The Deafening Silence From Canadian Media/Conservative Politicians On Russian Espionage In Our Politics And Media Is Pretty Fucking Telling

Sep 9, 2024

The BOMBSHELL DOJ Russian propaganda is the biggest story in the world.

Unless you live in Canada.

Silence from Canadian Main Stream Media has been Deafening.

Silence from conservative politicians and pundits being tied to paid Russian Disinformation is predictable but equally as telling.

In an era where content used by dictators, politicians, and compromised media outlets is regarded as the most dangerous threat to humanity outside of climate change, why aren’t Canadian MSM outlets and Conservative politicians so silent about the biggest story in the world?

Russian Disinformation Exposed: DOJ Uncovers $10 Million Scheme Involving Tenet Media With Major Canadian Connection

No One Tells On Themselves

Brian Lilley is a content hitman for the Conservative Party of Canada. Not a journalist, he’s failed to be close with Doug Ford’s communications director (whom he now lives with). Brian gets paid handsomely to support conservative interests (only) while sewering any man, woman, child, or idea of progressivism.

He’s the perfect target for repeating Russian talking points. He’ll do anything for his next paycheck, and that includes hitting almost every single high note the DOJ says Russia (confirmed) currently pays over 2800 different “journalists” or “Influencers” worldwide.

What do all of Russia’s confirmed 2800 paid agents do? Whatever Russia tells them to do to make it look like real news, especially if it helps Russia and sows hate and fear in Canada.

Presenting progressive leaders as dangerous commies? Check.

Favoring Russia’s chosen candidate who’s a rapist and 34x felon? Check.

Anti-Ukraine/Pro-Russian news? DAH.

Accusing Leaders of progressive countries of being weak internationally

Lying about Russia’s preferred candidate being a hero to unions and the working class? Yessir

Threat of Crime coming from people of Color/Immigrants? YUP.

(Note the KILLER use of two Russian talking points in one headline: Anti Immigrant, hypothetical fear porn as a certainty of brown Muslims and jihadists embedding themselves across Canada to kill you)

Brian works for Post Media, which is owned (66%) by Donald Trump’s friends at American Media Hedge fund Chatham Asset Management. In 2014, Conservative Evangelical Putin Super pal/Prime Minister Stephen Harper changed print media ownership laws to allow foreign countries to own newspapers. Around that time, The National Post and its affiliates purged moderate or progressive to make way for hardcore conservative journalists to ply their trade for their Conservative relationships (political, legal, and business elites).

Jesse Brown from Canadaland wrote a piece about it this morning that sheds light on how corrupt and planned the takeover of Post Media has been almost a decade later.

These guys aren’t about to volunteer what went into the alt-right takeover of over 100 newsprint outlets across Canada. The Editor of the Toronto Sun, Adrian Batra, worked for Rob and Doug Ford and is best friends with the Ford Family. Ontario’s conservative Oligarch Premier’s neo-con government is under an RCMP investigation for international money laundering.

Brian Lilley, hired by Ms Batra, lives with Ford’s Coms director.

Doug Ford has handed out several sole-sourced contracts to STRABAG (Oleg Deripaska’s tunneling company). Doug Ford was also outed as having a secret backchannel to a Kremlin Asset 2 years ago, which one of his colleagues, Frank Klees, admitted was true.

Mr. Klees appears to be part of the RCMP investigation into the Ford government’s alleged International Money Laundering.

These guys will not be telling on themselves or criticizing their Russian Oligarch counterparts anytime soon, either. That’s how people lose elections and fall out of Windows.

Plus, Canada is currently ramping up their NSICOP Investigation, which accused SEVERAL news outlets, journalists, influencers, and lobby groups of working with Russia, China, and India WITTINGLY and for profit. The names of the 11 MPs and outlets have not been disclosed because the investigation isn’t complete yet.

Doug has an election to win, and so does Pierre Poilievre, the jewel in the Russian crown.

The DOJ released “Campaign Targets” and “Target Audience” intel – what Russia wants its proxies and partners worldwide to focus on to maximize division and chaos in countries with progressive/democratic governments.

It’s effectively Pierre Poilievre’s entire platformβ€”Danielle Smith’s, too.

Where Pierre’s Rhetoric becomes undeniably Russian is his disgust for Canada and the marginalized human beings, immigrants, the sick, and the poor to announce to the world #CANADAISBROKEN. Russia wants to make Canada look like Russia, and no one has done a better job for Russia Than Mr Poilievre.

He routinely misrepresents or straight-up lies about the dangers facing Canadians, then focuses that blame on anyone who doesn’t share conservative values. He sells his brand of MAPLEMAGA conservatism as the answer to every white man’s prayer. To keep white privilege intact for the Anglo-Saxons. His words, not mine. Putin’s, too.

His Cabinet has met with Christine Anderson. Some regularly wear Maga Hats and are AVID Trump supporters. (Jenni Byrne, PP’s Chief advisor, and former deputy leader Candace Bergen, to name a few). They regularly shit on trans kids and gender rights and consistently use the sexualization and mutilation of children in their messaging. Pierre was also recently outed as being close to a Canadian Influencer, Kat Kanada, who was outed as a colleague of Tenet Media personalities and owners who are all now being interviewed or charged as part of the Russian Propaganda charges.

Kat hasn’t said a word about her name being included in the DOJ filings, along with her apparent involvement in trafficking anti-Canadian/anti-Ukrainian/pro-Russian Propaganda.

Kat isn’t about to fess up. She’s pot-committed. Pierre isn’t going to offer to tell the RCMP what/who he knows or provide full cooperation with any of our National Security apparatus – he still refuses his National Security background check for a reason. And it’s becoming clear why

Whether witting or unwitting, a segment of Conservative Canada is happy to live in the wake of foreign interference; they benefit from it. Boosting of social media posts and news stories written by witting or unwitting participants. Funding ad campaigns for parties, news outlets, and content creators who share any part of Russian interests or ideologies.

Religion, fossil fuel, climate change, Sexuality (kids specifically), immigration, and the protection of white privilege or “values” with a Christian Nationalist/Abrahamic Extremism bent. Have all shared tactics, strategies, and talking points of Russia/MAPLEMAGA magically come together? At the same time? Maybe.

But I doubt it.

That’s why Canadian Media/Conservative politicians in Canada are pretending our national security isn’t newsworthy. They are going to have a tough time explaining why Russian Propaganda seems to be the perfect Conservative Party of Canada election messaging.

Like voting against sending aid to Ukraine. A “Far away land.”Β  This year.

I have a feeling we’ll find out why very soon.


Dean Blundell

Dean Blundell is a Canadian radio personality. Best known as a longtime morning host on CFNY-FM (The Edge) in Toronto, Ontario. In 2015 he was named the new morning host on sports radio station CJCL (Sportsnet 590 The Fan). Dean started his career in radio in 2001 and for nearly 20 years been entertaining the radio audience. Dean’s newest venture is the launch of his site and podcast which is gaining tremendous momentum across North America.

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