The Trump “Assassination Attempt” Wasn’t Politically Motivated And He’s Responsible For All Of It

Jul 17, 2024

This Trump assassination story smells like shit from seven ways to the Sabbath. While we’re all trying to piece together who’s, what’s, and why around the alleged assassination attempt of Donald Trump, there’s a narrative around the alleged (and deceased) shooter and a teleprompter that seems to make more sense than any self-serving political narrative around the “attack.”

The incident has sparked intense scrutiny of Secret Service protocols and given rise to various theories about the shooter and the circumstances surrounding the attack. From divine protection to deep-state plots, there’s only one plausible/believable story emerging:

Trump was shot AT by a member of his own MAGA Cult, making because insane gun-toting assholes shoot people for attention, and all the evidence to date bears that out.

The Shooter: Thomas Matthew Crooks

The FBI identified the shooter as 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks. According to state records, Crooks, a registered Republican voter, had a brief and unexpected connection to BlackRock Inc., the world’s largest asset manager. In 2022, Crooks appeared as an unpaid background student in a BlackRock advertisement filmed at Bethel Park High School, where he graduated the same year.

BlackRock has since removed the advertisement from circulation and condemned the attack, describing it as “abhorrent.” The company stated that all video footage would be available to the appropriate authorities.

Until last month’s Epstein Pedophile Document dump, Crooks had Trump signs all over his lawn. Crooks was a MAGA purist and QANON super fan, and his friends and co-workers cosigned that narrative weekly.

Crooks was a registered Republican and “hardcore” conservative, according to his high school friends. Crooks was a dedicated member of the NRA and a “MAGA” through and through but recently had a psychotic break, according to his mother. There are unconfirmed reports that Crooks was “unhappy” after facial reports surfaced of Trump’s name being on dozens of Epstein phone and flight logs after last week’s Epstein Files document dump.

Everyone who allegedly knew Crooks said he was a “radicalized extremist” and part of the “MAGA” cult, too, which begs the question: Was this a politically motivated shooting or just a disenfranchised cult member/psychopath trying to take out his leader?

If true, it destroys every “DEM/WOKE” political narrative for this alleged shooting. It turns it into one psychopath trying to kill the leader of the psychopaths because Trump literally courts gun-loving INCELS and psychopaths like Thomas Crooks.

The Physical Evidence…Was Trump “SHOT?”

He was shot at, but there’s no evidence to suggest or confirm he was shot. Yet.

And Trump’s team isn’t talking about it…

They have appropriated the event for their purposes, including his VP pick, JD Vance, and hundreds of other Trump/MAGA proxies who are insinuating Biden did this.

(Same guy who called Trump “America’s Hitler”)


IF Biden ordered the “hit” (he didn’t) according to the Supreme Court’s ruling on Presidential immunity for official acts, it’s all good, and MAGATS should take Donald’s advice and “get over it.”

The Attack and Eyewitness Accounts

Eyewitness Greg Smith provided a chilling account of the events leading up to the shooting. Smith reported seeing a man with a rifle crawling on top of a building just outside the rally venue approximately five minutes into Trump’s speech. He attempted to alert the police, but his warnings went unheeded for several minutes.

“We noticed the guy bear-crawling up the roof of the building beside us, 50ft away,” Smith told the BBC. “He had a rifle; we could see a rifle.”

The gunman, (Crooks) armed with an AR-style rifle, had moved across rooftops to find a vantage point to target Trump. This positioning gave Crooks a clear line of sight to the former president, raising serious questions about the security measures.

A former Marine and current security expert weighed in on what he found “curious”: How was it possible for this cat to have a clear shot at ANYONE, and how did Trump get to dictate Secret Services actions after the alleged “shooting”?

Curious indeed.

Crooks got cut from his high school rifle team because he was a ‘terrible shot’ so incompetence may have played a role in him “missing.”

Incompetence should have that kind of access to a former president.

Crooks was a member of the NRA and an avowed republican purist who used the weapon of choice for most school shooters, the AR-15, which begs the question: Was this political violence or just another MAGA/INCEL cult member doing what MAGA/INCEL cult members do.

Trump has farmed these dweebs from basements around the world for the past ten years, and this might be Trump reaping what he sews: Farming INCELS like Crooks who think they are competing in the INCEL Olympics is a MAGA Strategy. To create an army of psychopaths, you have to target psychopaths, and no one has done a better job since Adolf than Trump. David Parker once explained this to me better than anyone else: “When you’re building an army with free labor, it’s hard to find normal people who are not insane, or you’re kind of always playing with fire.”

This wasn’t a politically motivated shooting. It was Trump’s proving cult leopards do, in fact, eat faces (or ears).

Was Trump Shot?

Fuck. Who knows. But it sure doesn’t look like it.

There are hundreds of conspiracy theories, but the Teleprompter/Psycho MAGA/INCEL narrative makes the most logical sense – a gun-loving member of his cult shot AT him because people who join cults do crazy shit.

The Secret Service’s failure to prevent Crooks from reaching such a prime position has drawn widespread criticism. Rep. Ruben Gallego, a Democrat and former Marine running for Senate in Arizona, called for a thorough investigation, stating, “those responsible for the planning, approving and executing of thly insufficient security plan needs to testify before Congress and be held accountable.”The incident has been described as a “massive security breach,” with experts pointing out that there should never have been a clear line of sight to the former president. The Secret handling of the situation has drawn comparisons to past failures, including the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in 1963.

Theories and Speculations

In the aftermath of the attack, various theories have emerged regarding the exact nature of Trump’sinjury. Some speculate that a bullet may have hit a teleprompter, and Trump’s ear injury could have resulted from a glass shard rather than a direct bullet wound.

A bullet from an AR-15 turns anything it hits into MUSH and despite this sweet prop from Trump’s first appearance since the shooting.

Social media platforms have become breeding grounds for conspiracy theories, with some users suggesting the attack was staged or an “inside job.” The rapid spread of misinformation online has fueled these unfounded claims, but one thing remains true – Trump wasn’t shot. Not with an AR-15, if he was at all.

Ongoing Investigation and Security Concerns

The FBI has taken the lead in investigating the shooting, working in cooperation with the Secret Service and local law enforcement agencies. Attorney General Merrick Garland has affirmed the Justice Department’s-commitment to deploy all possible resources for the inquiry.  But don’t expect MAGA, Republicans, or anyone associated with Trump to offer their interpretations of events. A Republican party spokesperson just threatened anyone associated with discussing what they know with the press or anyone else.


Trump said he was shot in the ear, but there is no record of a hospital visit.

The Bullet in question somehow pierced his right ear despite having his head turned, and the Bullet came from his left side (that’s one Magic Bullet).

Not only does the physics and immediate visual evidence not add up, but the person most aggrieved by this ” assassination attempt” doesn’t want to talk about it and has gagged everyone associated with it from getting answers.

I find that HIGHLY irregular.

What’snot irregular? Trump is using this to change the narrative from the TrumpPedoFiles and Project 2025 into a Woes Me fundraiser with “assassination attempt trading cards.”

By the way, he made 4 million in less than 24 hours.

I’m not saying it was staged. I’m saying all of this shit smells.

God Protected Trump?

MAGA is a cult of people from conservative extremes who are convinced he will lead an army of persecuted conservatives to the promised land, and they believe he’s an instrument of God. Sent to “destroy the Satanic wokes.” To return America to its nonexistent evangelical roots and tout his survival as a prophecy. The LLord’stool (so to speak) was protected by God himself, according to Trump bootlickers and evangelicals alike.

If God protected Trump, God deflected a few bullets into some dead bystanders.

The same God who protected Trump didn’t have a problem with the 300+ school shootings in the US last year.

The same God that protected Truly didn’t give a shit about the Kids in Uvalde, or Sandy Hook, either.

And if that “God” is wasting goodwill protecting a rapist/pedophile/racist, that God SUCKS.

Trump lies as he breathes; I can’t believe him or MAGA in any capacity when it comes to the events of the weekend.

I don’t think he was shot. I think he was shot at.

I don’t think it was a deep-state plot. I think he was shot at by a psycho he spent years radicalizing because that’s precisely what he has done.

I think these are natural consequences of a cult leader ginning up millions of mentally defective, angry, young, gun-toting men and women who are not terra firma.

I think it’s true that it happened when Trump needed it to happen. That’s what blows my mind the most.

That and all the people who seem to have no problem simply for a pedo rapist.  I thought they were on a mission to end rape and pedophelia.

I guess not.

I guess it depends on who the rapist pedophile is.








Dean Blundell

Dean Blundell is a Canadian radio personality. Best known as a longtime morning host on CFNY-FM (The Edge) in Toronto, Ontario. In 2015 he was named the new morning host on sports radio station CJCL (Sportsnet 590 The Fan). Dean started his career in radio in 2001 and for nearly 20 years been entertaining the radio audience. Dean’s newest venture is the launch of his site and podcast which is gaining tremendous momentum across North America.

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