This Canadian/Chinese/Trini Immigrant Thinks Don Cherry Was SHAFTED!

Cannabis Phil Nov 13, 2019

This whole thing about Don Cherry absolutely disgusts me and is simply un-Canadian on so many levels.

First of all, it’s a slow day in media and Don Cherry deserves more respect than this.  What happened to the 40 years of blood, sweat, and tears that he put into building and shaping the NHL and Coach’s Corner? What happened to freedom of speech and forgiving those who may have been hasty?

He made a mistake but that doesn’t mean it’s okay to trash his reputation & livelihood.

Don Cherry, Canada’s 7th Greatest Canadian, broadcast legend, and patriotic Canadian, got screwed.   Sure, he fucked up but don’t look past all the good which is Don Cherry.  You can’t cancel 40 years because you don’t like his verbiage.

Rogers Sportsnet President Bart Yabsley announced the decision following discussions with the 85-year-old broadcaster.

“Don is synonymous with hockey and has played an integral role in growing the game over the past 40 years. We would like to thank [him] for his contributions to hockey and sports broadcasting in Canada.”
The NHL, which on Sunday labelled his comments as “offensive and contrary to the values we believe in,” said Cherry’s ouster from Sportsnet was well deserved.

What do I think of Sportsnet?

Sportsnet can suck it! They have been dumping sports anchors like its fire sale and no doubt Sportsnet may not be around much longer. With the advancement of podcasting, social media and the new age of influencers, they couldn’t keep up with the current business model and decided to reduce its workforce.

It was cheaper to dismiss Don Cherry with cause, as opposed to trying to mend the situation at hand.

What’s your loyalty worth Ron “Coattails” MacLean?

For whatever reason, it was Ron MacLean’s job to handle Don Cherry and keep him on the straight and narrow. I can relate to that, as I have worked in different roles that required me to handle these “hand grenades”.  In time you either end up respecting the hell out of these people or exit quickly. For the amount of time, Ron MacLean spent with Don Cherry I would have expected better, I would have expected “respect”.  If it was not for Don Cherry,  Ron MacLean would be teaching history at Seneca College.  Maybe I’m being harsh, but I expected more from Ron.

Immigrant Song

My name is Phil Wong.  I’m Asian Trini and intensely proud of my heritage but more so of my Canadian citizenship. Don was and is a huge part of that.  I can separate what he said with what he meant, so why can’t you?

I loved watching Don Cherry over the years as an early Leaf fan/new Canadian and loved ‘Rock Em Sock Em Hockey’.  Watching Don was like watching Mr. Rogers, only a more colorful NHL version with a  hockey-tempered father figure.  He was always outspoken and highly patriotic and I respected that. I always loved the sense of Canada Don would instill into hockey broadcasts.

Don bleeds maple syrup and shits poutine.

What a disrespectful day for the NHL. You don’t treat a Canadian Icon this way! Don Cherry isn’t perfect and it’s not easy being a public figure today, with all this social media coverage most are afraid to speak their minds for fear someone weaponizes their words.

Thank you Don Cherry for sharing your life and teaching this “you people” (ME) Canadian values which I can hear through what you said Saturday. I think you’re one hell of a guy and true Canadian icon!

I love ya Don Cherry and I don’t care who knows!

Check out the petition in support of Don! Click here.


‘Cannabis’ Phil Wong

Proud Canadian Immigrant who doesn’t hate Don Cherry.

Cannabis Phil

It has been amazing to see the cannabis industry grow exponentially over a couple of years, to see this kind of growth is a once in a lifetime opportunity. I first started in the industry as a writer/photographer for High! Canada Magazine, interviewing some top people in the cannabis space. Eventually, I started doing content/video work, social media coverage of various cannabis events across North America, catching the pulse of what was going on and partaking in a quite a few sessions, meeting some truly amazing people on the way. In my previous enslavement (aka "career"), I was involved in the business side of things, so I do have an invested interest in the business aspect. Coming into my somewhat “village elder years”, I hope to bridge the gap between generations, in hopes of breaking the stigma and showing others it's okay to get high, while possibly showing them how. My passion for cannabis and writing covers; strain reviews, vapes, dabs, shatter, social media coverage of events, new products, patient advocacy, innovations and the business of cannabis.

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