Tom Hanks Goes Nuclear On A Group Of Fans Who Accidentally Tripped His Wife

Jun 16, 2022

Via TMZ Tom Hanks was seeing red when his wife Rita Wilson was almost knocked to the ground by a pack of his fans … and the guy who’s normally Mr. Cool let ’em know he was pissed off!

Tom and Rita were heading to their car Wednesday night in NYC when the swarm of fans scrambled around for autographs and selfies — the crowd got so big, one fan bumped into Rita and made her trip. TH was having none of it — he rushed to her rescue, then put his hand on one guy and yelled to the rest, “This is my wife, back the f*** off!!”

Damn Woody. A totally understandable reaction by known nice guy Tom Hanks. Fans have no chill. They always try and get into celebrities’ space and think they owe them something.

The fact that he didn’t punch that guy in the face is shocking. Fans are lunatics and good on Tom for asking for boundaries.

Chris Rooke

Content Director-Producer-Writer

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