Trigger Warning: Ian Cole is accused of being a disgusting groomer and sexual predator

Oct 10, 2022

Professional athletes have a lot of power over young fans. While most don’t abuse that privilege, some are disgusting pigs. It appears Tampa Bay Lightning Ian Cole is one of the assholes.

I know the legal police are going to scream, “Innocent until proven guilty,” and you’re right. But we all know how this shit is going to play out.

Below is a lengthy statement accusing Cole of grooming minors and exploiting them for sex.


The statement turned my stomach. It was a classic example of a predator grooming and manipulating a young person and grooming them to be compliant. It’s fucking gross, and I commend this young woman for her courage to come forward and bring Cole’s actions to light. I will acknowledge again at this time; they are only allegations; however, it seems specific for it not to be true.

For their part, the Lightning is doing the right thing and has suspended Cole while there is an investigation.

I want it not to be true, but this shit has been all too prevalent across professional sports. I think we would all like to go a week without talking about a sexual abuse scandal in sports, but that’s not the reality we live in right now. Cole probably did all those things, and he needs to be punished.

Not that this makes it any better, but here’s Tom Wilson smashing in Cole’s face.

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