Trudeau “Scandal” Number Three: Swing sets at the Secret Mansion!

Jason Pugh Apr 24, 2023

Secret Mansion? What? Didn’t you hear?

According to the current leader of the Convoy Party of Canada, Pierre Poilievre, Justin Trudeau built a SECRET MANSION!

At least that’s what #PeePee was claiming on Twitter just three years ago:

If you want to check it out, here is a Google Maps image from 2023.,-75.9287629,375m/data=!3m1!1e3

(Note the lack of a secret mansion.)

If Justin Trudeau did manage to build a secret mansion, as Poilievre claimed, it’s since been moved underground or maybe Trudeau made a deal with the Romulan Empire and has cloaking technology!

Look. I’m just saying. If Pierre is willing to spread a conspiracy theory as stupid as this, what WON’T he lie about?

It’s just batshit crazy. He really was wondering if the Prime Minister of Canada managed to secretly build a mansion when Cons flipped out the REAL scandal I’m writing about here.

A swing set.

That’s right. The current leader of the Conservative Party of Canada actually put out that crazy tweet when their former leader, Andrew Scheer, feigned outrage over the PM buying a swing set.

He just COULD not get over it and wasted a bunch of time during QP on the last day the house was sitting yapping about a GD swingset.


Wait a sec. First, Andy said it was a “play structure,” but then immediately after said it was a swing set. Sounds to me like it was more than just a swing set kit you’d get up at Walmart.

So in order to have this “scandal,” Lyin’ Andy had to lie about the scandal itself.

He did so in order to get people to relate by thinking about the swing set they have in their own backyards. Sort of like how they pretend balancing the budget for an entire country is akin to Dad sitting up late at the kitchen table balancing the family budget.

They both oversimplify to put out stupid messaging AND blow simple things way out of proportion to keep that faux-outrage machine always fueled up and chugging along. Facts and reality are of tertiary concern when it comes to the CPC. (If that.)

Yeah. Conservatives were SO outraged over the Prime Minister having a “swing set” installed that Scheer spent the final Question Period of that session of parliament making it his NUMBER ONE issue.

Scheer even asked if he could table a document titled “Sports Power 8 Station Swingset” and described the swing set, saying it only cost $198. So the official opposition leader spent time looking up the price of swing sets to “own the libs.”

This while we were in a trade dispute with the United States and Trump was putting children in cages.

“But this is what the leader of the official opposition chooses to spend his last day in parliament before the summer on.” – Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

(Possibly the most controversial swing set in Canadian history.)

So Pierre Poilievre actually thought that the Prime Minister of Canada had built an entire mansion without anyone noticing? Not even the Conservative’s oppo research gremlins? I mean, surely they would have had a swing set installed at the new secret mansion! What’s a secret mansion without one?

This rage clown #PeePee is the best the Conservative Party of Canada has to offer? A guy so blinded by his hatred and NEED for the next “scandal” that a shitty Photoshop job tricked him?

(Well, what can you expect from someone who cites Jordan Peterson as an inspiration…)

Good god. We’ve already seen what an embarrassment he is on the world stage during Biden’s visit.

The last thing we need is this buffoon representing us at an event like G7.

I guess PP would ONLY attend such an event if it were held in Canada since he likes to mock Trudeau for attending any event on the world stage.

This was Pierre’s reaction to Trudeau attending the Global Citizens NOW conference in New York City:

In related news: Liberals fund women’s rights abroad as Trudeau prepares to talk abortion politics in New York

So there’s that. Oh, and the fact he wouldn’t say whether or not he’d use the PM’s “private” plane and all.

Jason Pugh



Jason Pugh

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