Trudeau “Scandal” number two: Water Box Thingies? Put a fork in him. He’s done!

Jason Pugh Apr 20, 2023

So when I say “scandals that you forgot about,” I mean most people forgot about. If you’re on Twitter following Canadian Politics or are one of those weirdos that watch Question Period, you probably remember.

Many would remember the “water box thingy” bullshit because Conservatives always love bringing it up. You know, because the Prime Minister of Canada said a thing once. So bring it up every chance you get.

When it happened, CPC Shadow Minister Michelle Rempel Garner posted this tweet:

OMG, SO FUNNY! Yes. It’s hard to imagine that someone on the campaign trail who’s on camera whenever they’re not “hiding in the cottage” might stumble or misspeak.

She then had this to say in the House of Commons:

Heck. It was SUCH a significant issue that “FREEEEEDUUUMB” convoy supporter and current comms director for the leader of His Majesty’s LOYAL Opposition, Sarah Fischer, even made a video mocking the PM:

I love sharing that video just for the responses. I don’t know how to define being ratioed, but I know it when I see it.

At least Lorrie Goldstein was on board:

PP chose Fischer to be his Comms director. He picks only the BEST people!

By picking her to be his Comms director and their juvenile antics in the HoC, it’s clear that under Poilievre, the party is trying to render politics as ugly and unappealing as possible. They want people to tire of it all and tune out, which is a form of voter suppression.

However, I’m not here to talk about “water box thingies” or the recent ridiculous rowdiness of the Convoy Party of Canada.

No no. I’m here to talk about the OTHER massive SCANDAL that blew up in Canadian Media back three Conservative leaders ago!

(I guess they’re *technically* not grasping at straws here…)

‘Pile of hypocrisy’: Trudeau called out for single-use plastic forks in photo

Yup! That’s right. The Prime Minister of Canada APPEARED in a photo with a pile of plastic forks and knives! STOP THE PRESSES!

As you saw in the earlier tweet Michelle Rempel Garner stood in the House of Commons and mocked how Trudeau spoke about the water boxes.

However, everyone gave Andrew Scheer a pass for stumbling and mumbling while trying to defend CPC MP Michael Cooper’s racist ‘goat herder’ comments:

If you read the above CTV article, you’ll see it’s just lazy journalism citing Twitter posts. *ahem*

He even got his headline from a tweet by Dr. Jacobs.

(If you pay close attention, you’ll pick up on subtle hints that suggest Jacobs might not be a fan of Trudeau)

Imagine being some worker / volunteer just trying to help prepare for a visit from the Prime Minister. There was going to be pizza and light refreshments. So you go to the lunchroom and grab some napkins, paper plates, and some utensils, as you usually would, and then see THAT end up being the next BIG SCANDAL.

“OMG, LOOK! He sat at a table, and there was the thing right there next to him!!!” – probably Scheer’s Boys in Short Pants.

…for appearing in a photo NEXT to forks.

Plastics forks at Trudeau lunch a sign of hypocrisy: Conservatives

It just goes to show, folks. Anything. No matter how stupid, insignificant, or irrelevant will be used by the cons just as long as they can get some bullshit headline to flash before people’s eyes to keep that good old faux-rage machine chugging along.

They were terrible under Scheer. About the same under O’Toole. Now way, way worse under Pierre Poilievre.

I mean, they’re ramping up their bullshit.

The Prime Minister spent Christmas with his family visiting friends! They’ve been yelling about that all freaking week:

So is this … is this life in Canada now?

Are conservatives just going to hold the whole country hostage, making everything miserable and feel broken unless they get their way?

That flash mob of incels voted for PP to be the leader of the CPC, and his MPs can have him. Scream and clap like the barking seals they are.

Conservatives elected PeePee as their leader, so apparently, that’s what they want. He represents THEM and what THEY stand for.

The rest of Canada, however, didn’t vote for him.

Pierre Poilievre is injecting his brand of hateful and divisive politics into our lives whether we like it or not.

He doesn’t care about what’s best for you or your family. He ONLY cares about power and will say ANYTHING to get it.

Let the CPC scream nonsense and make up silly scandals for the next two years. It’s all they have!

People will get tired of hearing that chalkboard-scratch-come-to-life-but-with-somehow-less-personality-than-an-actual-chalkboard yelling at them non-stop.

Full Stop.

Jason Pugh



Jason Pugh

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