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truLOCAL Trish: Five Reasons to Eat Steak for Breakfast

Nov 21, 2019

Did you really need to click on this list?


You can eat steak whenever the hell you want. You don’t need my permission.



But if you really want to know the top FIVE reasons to eat steak first thing in the morning, here they are:


  1. It’s delicious. There’s nothing better than starting your day with something delicious.


  1. It’s easy. If you’ve already got your steak thawed, you can cook it up in a few minutes on the stovetop or the grill. It’s great on its own, or it pairs perfectly with eggs.


  1. It’s satisfying. Both in the sense that you’ll probably feel satisfied with yourself after eating it, and also because it’s high in protein, so it will keep you full.



  1. It’s nutritious. Beef has a lot of micronutrients, which are good for your bones and muscles.


  1. You deserve it, boo.



So go ahead. Do it. Start your day off in the best way possible – you can thank me later.

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