“Go F*ck Yourself, Did You Vote Trudeau”: UFC Champion Sean Strickland Unloads On A Canadian Reporter For Asking Him His Thoughts On The LGTBQ+ Community

Jan 17, 2024

I am going to let the clip speak for itself. It is not a secret that UFC Champion Sean Strickland is a very opinionated human being. Anyone who follows the UFC knows his thoughts on Liberals, Democrats, the LGBTQ+ community, the trans community and women. Sean is a clown. No ifs ands or buts about it.

However, so is the CP reporter who asked the ‘gotcha’ question. I do not see the relevance of asking Sean’s opinions on this subject knowing full well what he was getting himself into. It’s hack journalism. It is the real-life version of performance tweeting. Sean took the bait because he truly does not give a shit about what anyone thinks and he has a platform to spew his thoughts.

I don’t expect better from Sean but I do expect better from journalists. You are at a UFC press conference, ask about the fight or his opponent. Do not do performance journalism to get a rise and viral clip. Congratulations, you got it. I want to know who the reporter was. It is not a good look for anyone in Canadian media. Be better.

Later in the conference, Sean doubled down about women’s MMA.

Chris Rooke

Content Director-Producer-Writer

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