Video: Alberta Premier, Danielle Smith, Says She’s Gonna Fire All The Real Doctors In Favour Of Ones Who Prescribe Ivermectin – Says She Eats It All The Time

FYI: Premier Smith has been eating horse paste (Ivermectin) for some time, and she wants to fire real doctors and the Alberta Health Sciences Board to bring in her pseudo-science, fugazi doctors to treat Albertans with ‘Therapeutics” (Ivermectin).
That’s what crazy bastards do.
A couple of days ago, Danielle sat down with some Jesus Freak who works at the alt-right fake news outlet Western Standard (they make bank off of clips like this and use it as life-affirming propaganda).
In less than two minutes she:
- Blamed the pandemic on AHS (Cognitive delay for religious reasons)
- Injected a lie about the World Economic Forum (Qanon)
- Says health “Experts” got it all wrong
That’s rich coming from an uneducated waitress with a High School Diploma who blogged for “big cigarette” and “big oil” for 25 years.
(The second video clip of her comparing Ivermectin to heroin after admitting to eating horse paste, like she’s going to the electric chair is THE BEST)
*BTW, I know there are human versions of IVM, and the use of IVM for respiratory infections has been WIDELY debunked by EVERYONE with a real medical degree
The "therapeutics" she's referring to are drugs like ivermectin.
Here's a video of Danielle Smith promoting ivermectin and complaining that doctors who prescribe it will get fired. pic.twitter.com/NfLlLRU4ki— disordered (@disorderedyyc) October 21, 2022
OMG. I love her. She’s exactly what she says she is. An incredibly gullible religious hillbilly whose own research led her to eat an antiparasitic (that does ZERO for respiratory infections) instead of getting vaccinated by someone with 25 years of specialized post-secondary education in human sciences.
But sure, a waitress/blogger with a HS diploma knows more than the college of physicians. LOL.
Now she’s gonna start her revenge play against ungodly scientific “experiments” of life-saving vaccines and the people who administered them because that’s what Qanon told her to do in her morning “Qdrop.”
That’s right. The Premier of Alberta is a braindead Qanon whacko with a KILLER case of Dunning Kreuger Syndrome, and I fucking LOVE IT.
I thought her pro-Russia bit was terrific. Her “Unvaccinated discrimination bit was great, too.
But this, this? This is BRILLIANT.
I give her credit. At least she’s not hiding her ridiculous assessments/personal beliefs like Doug Ford and other equally compromised elected officials. She’s so sure of her stupidity Premier Smith is taking a flamethrower to objective reality with pride. That’s what I love about this woman. She’s impervious to learning and proud of it.
It’s the best. Seriously. Most dumb people hide their dumb. She uses it like fuel.
I wonder how her digestive tract is doing today. Years of eating horse dewormer can wreak havoc on your asshole.
Happy shitting, Danielle!
Dean Blundell
Dean Blundell is a Canadian radio personality. Best known as a longtime morning host on CFNY-FM (The Edge) in Toronto, Ontario. In 2015 he was named the new morning host on sports radio station CJCL (Sportsnet 590 The Fan). Dean started his career in radio in 2001 and for nearly 20 years been entertaining the radio audience. Dean’s newest venture is the launch of his site and podcast which is gaining tremendous momentum across North America.