Video: Check Out This Redneck From Alberta Verbally Abusing Canada’s Deputy PM Chrystia Freeland

Aug 27, 2022

Chrystia Freeland is the deputy PM of Canada, and she’s an Albertan. She’s Harvard educated, a celebrated author, and a former journalist for the Financial Times, WaPo, and The Economist.

She speaks several languages and is considered one of the world’s best foreign political strategists.

She’s the one who keeps Putin up at night, not Trudeau.

So I highly doubt she gives a shit about Alberta Rick’s verbal abuse as she went into Grand Prairie’s City Hall in Alberta yesterday.

Sheck out his tattered wifebeater and supportive wife who thinks she’s TMZ.

Here’s the extended cut. Redeck Rick came to Grand Prarie City Hall looking to attack Deputy PM Freeland because he’s a HUGE fucking loser. God, I hope his wife is barren.

His name is Elliot McDavid, and he’s a piece of shit. According to local law enforcement, he and his shitty wife are two of Grand Prarie’s biggest assholes who take great pride in making people around them feel like shit.

I peg this guy as a farmer or oil patch worker. He probably doesn’t have cable, spends hours a day on Facebook, and has several dogs, a pickup truck, and a variety of long guns. His favorite activity is hunting with a 26 of rye. In the evenings, he looks forward to blacking out in a lazy boy with the TV turned up to 11 while his wife cries in her gin and tonic on the end of the couch and the kids hide until morning.

Don’t worry. This is only 20-30% of the province.

In case you were wondering, Alberta proper HATES the Federal government because particular interest and fake media outlets like Rebel News kettle that province with disinformation and hatred for eastern Canada. Alberta considers itself the Florida of Canada, apart from Canada proper. Think Quebec of the west, only with angrier, dumber white people who mainline Facebook instead of reading.

Bad timing for the “Alberta is calling” campaign to attract Canadians to Alberta.

Alberta is a great place to visit but a terrible place to live because of the heavy Christian Nationalist culture. Ontario, too. There are more Christians and Christian nationalists in Ontario and Alberta per capita. Theocratic conservative governments run both provinces, and both are basic oligarchies.

Fuck, Ezra Levant and Rebel News moderated Alberta’s last debate for the next Premier of Alberta, where they made fun of residential schools, comparing vaccines and mandates to the holocaust. THAT’S Alberta in a nutshell.

All three losers vying to be the next Premier of Alberta are anti-science Jesus Freaks campaigning based on hatred for the rest of the country and the Federal government. Along the way, they’ve brainwashed a large portion of the province into thinking COVID was fake, vaccines don’t work, and they’re hated by the east.

They aren’t. Guys like Rick here are hated by every Canadian with the ability to reason and a GED, and we know this isn’t Alberta.





Dean Blundell

Dean Blundell is a Canadian radio personality. Best known as a longtime morning host on CFNY-FM (The Edge) in Toronto, Ontario. In 2015 he was named the new morning host on sports radio station CJCL (Sportsnet 590 The Fan). Dean started his career in radio in 2001 and for nearly 20 years been entertaining the radio audience. Dean’s newest venture is the launch of his site and podcast which is gaining tremendous momentum across North America.

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