Video: Chris Rock Breaks His Silence And Addresses “The Slap” At His Comedy Show

Mar 31, 2022

Chris played to a hyper-enthusiastic, sold-out crowd at the Wilbur Theater in Boston, and joked, “How was your weekend?” The crowd loved it.

He then said, “I don’t have a bunch of s*** about what happened, so if you came to hear that, I have a whole show I wrote before this weekend. I’m still kind of processing what happened,” adding, “So, at some point, I’ll talk about that s***. And it will be serious and funny.”

Seems like Chris Rock is over it. I mean what else can you do, He got slapped on national tv.

I’m sure he will address it down the line with some jokes but for now he’s moving on. He also mentions that he wrote an entire stand up special before this weekend which he doesn’t want to waste. I really want him to go after Will and I hope he does down the line when he finishes processing.

It’s a win/win for Rock. People WILL buy tickets to his show hoping it’s the show where he addresses it.

Check out the circus of press outside the venue where he did his first show.

Apparently scalpers and resale fucks are selling tickets to his show for $8000K.


Chris Rooke

Content Director-Producer-Writer

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