Video: Cussing Pastor Keeps It Real While “Your mother f***ing pastor ain’t doin’ a goddamn thing”

David Randell Dec 20, 2017




I like this foul-mouthed pastor’s message. He ain’t playin’.

There are far too many people out there who choose to have a problem with one thing or another because they want everyone to know that they’re fighting the good fight.

They twist words, ignore intent, and get offended when they see fit.  They have nothing good going on in their lives, so they seek importance by talking shit and hiding behind a prudish, self-righteous mentality, trying to tear everyone down that they think are “wrong”.

They make shit up in their heads and take-up causes because they have faulty cookie-cutter moral compasses. Jokes and sarcasm don’t exist in their world.  They make a big deal out of inconsequential things like swearing, and make people’s lives miserable because they run on “defaults” – ie. somewhere/sometime they were told that swearing was bad. Now, whenever someone swears, the alarm bells go-off – they will berate you because “Swearing is bad!”.  Their shitty brains can’t move-off the programmed/ingrained thoughts/reactions, and they will fight to the death with perpetually irrational tirades.

If you don’t like something, turn it off, don’t look, ignore it…move-on, and get on with your life!


Anyway, now I’m starting to rant.

Good Day.


David Randell

Musician, Magician, dad of 3 and Day 1er around here! Canadian living in Dublin, Ireland! (Primarily for the Beer!) TML, Raptors, TFC fan. Movies, TV, Sports, Entertainment... pretty much everything is fair game. A mulligatawny of drivel coming your way.

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