Video: Doug Ford’s Security Roughed Up A Global News Reporter, Magically Not Covering Doug Ford 24 Hours Later

May 26, 2022


I gotta tell you, I knew Ford wasn’t an intelligent man, but this video from Sean O’Shea drives home how dumb this fucker is.

Sean was asked to catch up with the elusive Premier, who has canceled all of his appearances during his re-election campaign. After a tornado ripped through the small Ontario community, he found Ford touring Uxbridge FOUR DAYS.

Sean asked a few very reasonable questions; Ford mocked him, then had his security shove, Sean before Ford scurried into his taxpayer-funded suburban.

What a guy.

After this exchange, Doug Ford had someone call Global demanding Sean be removed from covering Doug. Less than 24 hours later, Sean was reporting on the Jacob Hoggard sex trial and hadn’t said a peep about Ford or his security.

And you think MSM in Canada is unbiased.


Now you know why Global, The Sun, The Star, Bell, and Rogers properties don’t report negatively on the man. They fear a phone call from some angry Ford staffer, complete with threats of less access to the Premier’s office, etc.

Media colludes with Ford, and THAT’S how he’s been able to hide from 4000 covid death in 4 months.

That’s how he’s been able to murder your grandparents while enriching himself and his friends.

That’s why 60k autistic kids are on a waitlist for help.

That’s how this man has held on to power, crushing public servants and health care workers.

That’s who Doug’s been able to beat the shit out of nurses protesting his health care wage freeze. By managing the people who contain MSM in this province.

CORUS owns Global, and they are dying a slow death, so they probably said ‘Sir, yes sir!’ before moving Sean off the Dougie beat. Corus is busy wading through the Jenn Valentyne/John Derringer mess they are %100 responsible for.

In-house lawyers can’t chew gum and walk simultaneously, and CORUS/Global has their hands full, so I don’t blame them. Why fight a mobbed-up Premier when you don’t have to?

Doug Ford gets it done, all right.

Meanwhile, his daughter is out for a bike ride with Jesus and wants you to know she’d love to Fuck Trudeau.

Ontario. A place to grow unless you hold the Premier accountable. Then you’re fucked.



I’m sticking with the intel we have.  Ford wasn’t happy about Sean’s questions and made Global aware of it, and Global reacted to that call by moving Sean back to covering the Hoggard trial as a result.  Their news director Mackay Taggart sent a nice note clarifying Sean has not been ‘banned’ and that he will be part of the election coverage next week.  FWIW.








Dean Blundell

Dean Blundell is a Canadian radio personality. Best known as a longtime morning host on CFNY-FM (The Edge) in Toronto, Ontario. In 2015 he was named the new morning host on sports radio station CJCL (Sportsnet 590 The Fan). Dean started his career in radio in 2001 and for nearly 20 years been entertaining the radio audience. Dean’s newest venture is the launch of his site and podcast which is gaining tremendous momentum across North America.

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