Video: Every Employee Should Have A Boss Like Kyle Dubas

Jan 22, 2019

If you’re an asshole boss, who shits on his/her employees to increase productivity and manage through fear, watch this whole presser Dubas gave today after canceling practice.

Now that’s a boss with a capital ‘B.’


We’re working on making the team better because our group has played their way into us committing to them.


Leave Nylander alone you knuckleheads.  He’s human, he missed the first two months of the season, and he’ll be fine.


All you Gardiner haters can eat a bag.  He plays with the puck a lot and he’s bound to make mistakes so chill out.


We’re signing Matthews and it’s going really well so thanks for asking.

We will get to Marner when he’s ready.  Its a big life decision for these guys and we respect it.

Slump, Shmump.  We’ll figure it out.

Can you imagine working for a guy who smiles like that after not making budget last month??

Can you imagine your employer having the stones to do what’s best for you instead of what’s best for him?


Can you imagine having a boss actually communicate with you instead of shaking his head when you walk by leaving you with sweaty palms and a panic attack?


Kyle Dubas is a folk hero in his mid 30’s.  He’s the most talked about sports exec in the history of Toronto sports because he’s genuinely a really good person who knows he’ll get more from this group by getting behind them instead of publically humiliating them.  That’s something Brian Burke would do.  It’s tired.  Modern psychology says you catch more flies with honey than a turd.


It’s called the law of Psychological reciprocity.  If you help the people around you succeed, you, in turn, will be successful.


According to Wiki:

In social psychology, reciprocity is a social norm of responding to a positive action with another positive action, rewarding kind actions. … Reciprocity makes it possible to build continuing relationships and exchanges.


In short, Kyle Dubas knows you don’t beat the horse you’re trying to win the race with.


That’s why he keeps winning and probably sleeps like a baby at night.


I know a few that probably haven’t slept in years.


One time after a particularly excellent radio program, my boss (who was the precise opposite of Kyle Dubas) told us he had 20 complaints about our use of the word douchebag.  When I asked to see those complaints, he said he erased them because he doesn’t dwell on the past.  I found out later; he made it up.


I had another boss sexually harass my producer then fire him for something completely unrelated.


I’ve had bosses who’ve lied about conversations I’ve never had with them.


I’ve had an employer who still tells people he’s responsible for my success when I worked for him for six months when I literally did nothing he asked me to.


I’ve had a boss fire someone who was arrested for DUI even though that boss was hiding his DUI conviction.


We’ve all had those employers.


Watching Kyle Dubas be present, accountable and supportive was incredibly fucking refreshing to see.


Enter the Leaf Psycho:


Lewd Blow Me GIF

Dean Blundell

Dean Blundell is a Canadian radio personality. Best known as a longtime morning host on CFNY-FM (The Edge) in Toronto, Ontario. In 2015 he was named the new morning host on sports radio station CJCL (Sportsnet 590 The Fan). Dean started his career in radio in 2001 and for nearly 20 years been entertaining the radio audience. Dean’s newest venture is the launch of his site and podcast which is gaining tremendous momentum across North America.

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