Video: Have A Look A Real Tyranny On The Streets Of Russia/Ukraine Then STFU

Mar 8, 2022

Sheck this out: Putin is making Russian police check phones of people randomly walking the streets for “Anti-Putin” sentiments tossing people in jail for 15 years for texting ‘Fuck Putin’ to a friend in a private message.  Seriously.

This is tyranny, kids.  the real kind.  Not a mask.  Not a vaccine to protect your family.  It’s tyranny in real-time in a civilized society.

This guy must have had the Putin/Trump Brokeback mountain Giff on his phone.

Today we found out around 40,000 foreign civilians with military experience had arrived in Kyiv for military training to fight for the freed of Ukraine.

Freedom Fighters.

500+ Canadians are in Kyiv to protect people they have never met who are being bombed, shot, raped, pillaged, and forced into refugee camps.  Aka oppressed by tyranny.  The real kind.

Man. Do these guys ever look like pussies now, huh?

If you think masks and vaccines are in any way “tyranny” or “oppression” you can fuck off to the moon. You are being shown in real-time what freedom fighting looks like.  These foreign freedom fighters are heroes where you people are, at best, unfortunate. At worst you are useless fucking cowards.

You hid behind tyrannical tropes and your white privilege screaming about the tyranny of responsibility while everyone else did their part.  2 weeks later, a world superpower started bombing grandas and babies in Ukraine while Russian cops check cell phones of shoppers heading into McDonald’s for a  McPrison gruel burger,

That’s Tyranny.

This is Tyranny.

These are freedom fighters.  They’ll be known as generational heroes.

These fucking losers are not freedom fighters.  They’re stains. A generational shame comprised of dumb entitled religious extremists too stupid to understand objective reality.

Mental leppers.  And I’ll be staying away from all of them.

That’ll be the next pandemic.  The rash of friendless idiots wondering why no one invites them to couples night, or the neighborhood BBQ.

Again, it’s because no one trusts you to manage a fucking picnic if you can’t manage reality.  You think masks and vaccines are oppressive and Canada is run by evil dictators while watching a real dictator murder real people on TV 24/7.

No wonder you don’t have any friends.






Dean Blundell

Dean Blundell is a Canadian radio personality. Best known as a longtime morning host on CFNY-FM (The Edge) in Toronto, Ontario. In 2015 he was named the new morning host on sports radio station CJCL (Sportsnet 590 The Fan). Dean started his career in radio in 2001 and for nearly 20 years been entertaining the radio audience. Dean’s newest venture is the launch of his site and podcast which is gaining tremendous momentum across North America.

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