Video: Insane video of man hanging outside sky rise window as fire smokes him out.
David Randell
Dec 13, 2017
I’ve lived in a condo, and have rehearsed this scenario in my head more than a few times, but vertigo would probably have led me to fall to my death.
This maniac turns into Spiderman to save himself. He tries to break the window with one arm as flames fall on him from above.
Someone inside the building finally breaks the window, and Spidey crawls to safety.
David Randell
Musician, Magician, dad of 3 and Day 1er around here! Canadian living in Dublin, Ireland! (Primarily for the Beer!) TML, Raptors, TFC fan. Movies, TV, Sports, Entertainment... pretty much everything is fair game. A mulligatawny of drivel coming your way.