Video: INSANE video Of Doug Ford’s Security Beating The Shit Out Of Nurses Protesting Against His Wage Freeze Should Tell You Everything You Need To Know About Doug Ford

Lori sent this video to us tonight, and I was sick to my fucking stomach.
@ItsDeanBlundell nurses from @SEIUHealthCan were beaten and man handled by Fords goons last night!
This is insanity!!!#nurses #FordFailedNurses #VoteFordOut2022 pic.twitter.com/niHuLkXq8Z
— 🚺 (@VoterNerd) May 17, 2022
Omg what is happening here?!?!?!
— Dr.VivianS (@DrVivianS) May 18, 2022
Not a single news outlet reported this. Not one. Do you know why? I do. They work for Dougie and Kory Teneyke (the Stephen Harper acolyte working Doug’s mouth like a puppet) used to be the editor of The Sun, so you won’t see Joe Warmington writing about how white men beat black nurses for Dougie.
— Oh look, it's what's his name (@anilkurian2) May 18, 2022
Disturbing to watch given the additional context provided in the thread below, which suggests political violence against a nurse.
I refrained from posting about this incident yesterday because the nature of the medical emergency was unclear.#onpoli #OntarioVotes #GetTheFordOut https://t.co/ICQNz41u6s pic.twitter.com/nloaalNYBz
— Caryma Sa'd – Lawyer + Political Satirist (@CarymaRules) May 18, 2022
It happened last night before the provincial Leadership debate. These beautiful nurses were exercising their right to free speech, protesting a bill Doug is ramming through that freezes the wages of human beings who lived on the front lines during the pandemic.
Doug hates teachers, nurses, and doctors so much he froze their salaries and sanctioned this ass-kicking of our pandemic heroes because he doesn’t like the sound of their voices.
These fucking losers with earpieces who think they are James Bond are OPP goons hired by Ford to hurt anyone who gets in his way, and that goes double for those health care heroes who contradicted him every time he opened up his cancerous mouth.
The male nurse you saw get dummied by Ford’s keystone cops smashed his on the pavement and was rushed to hospital with serious injuries.
A male nurse was assaulted by Ford security from behind as he was complying and moving. His head hit the pavement and he was rushed by ambulance to Sunnybrook Hospital. He has a concussion, bruised hip, messed left knee. This is how you treat Pandemic heroes? #IStandWithNurses pic.twitter.com/ZWjl8cKKrB
— Sandy J (@SandyHi2244) May 18, 2022
Several other nurses sustained injuries as well.
Yet he hasn’t done a thing about the hillbilllies and rednecks who do this every weekend?
He was cool with 8k white supremacists threatening the nation’s capital for a fucking month, but screw nurses looking for a meager raise after saving lives for two straight years while Ford thumbed his nose at their safety on and off the job.
Disturbing to watch given the additional context provided in the thread below, which suggests political violence against a nurse.
I refrained from posting about this incident yesterday because the nature of the medical emergency was unclear.#onpoli #OntarioVotes #GetTheFordOut https://t.co/ICQNz41u6s pic.twitter.com/nloaalNYBz
— Caryma Sa'd – Lawyer + Political Satirist (@CarymaRules) May 18, 2022
Nice, huh.
I could tell you about Doug’s relationship with the ladies at Cachet Escorts.
I could tell you about his relationship with Kinga Surma.
I could tell you about his relationship with Stephen Harper’s busboy Kory Teneyke.
I could, but I won’t. I’ll show you his work instead, and you can decide if you want this embarrassment to represent you for another four years.
Ask yourself what kind of man allows racists to block traffic and harass small businesses for two years but beats nurses for asking for a raise.
Holy fuck.
Get it right, June 2.
Dean Blundell
Dean Blundell is a Canadian radio personality. Best known as a longtime morning host on CFNY-FM (The Edge) in Toronto, Ontario. In 2015 he was named the new morning host on sports radio station CJCL (Sportsnet 590 The Fan). Dean started his career in radio in 2001 and for nearly 20 years been entertaining the radio audience. Dean’s newest venture is the launch of his site and podcast which is gaining tremendous momentum across North America.