Video: It sure looks like Ottawa cops are fairly incompetent and some REALLY liked having the Freedumb Convoy in town…

Oct 27, 2022

If the last few days of testimony did anything, it introduced a messed up new wrinkle to the Emergency Act hearing.

There’s a perfect chance some critical members of the OPS wanted the Freedumb Convoy to happen because they fucken hate “woke” people. No one in the Ottawa Police Service knows what’s happening.

Today, OPS SPT. Robert Bernier pimped the idea that tow trucks (who initially refused to move Convoy trucks due to threats) stood by before the EA act was activated after talks fell apart.

During cross-examination, he learned in no way was that true, and the tow trucks only agreed to tow the vehicles out of downtown Ottawa thanks to a serious Lawyer:

Being the guy in charge of that effort, he would have known negotiations had broken down. Jesus, dude.

“I was not aware of that.”

Of course. Very few OPS members who’ve taken the stand seem to be aware of anything harmful that they may have contributed to the illegal occupation of Ottawa by a bunch of brainwashed dorks.

Lots of Ottawa Cops agreed with the protestors, including the head of OPS Intelligence, Chris Kiez, who LOVED what the illegal occupation of Ottawa stood for:

Press Progress: The intelligence assessment, authored by Ottawa Police Sgt. Chris Kiez, describes the convoy as a “spontaneous grassroots protest” and expresses sympathy with the convoy and broader protests opposing COVID-19 public health rules.

“There are increasing numbers of spontaneous protests against regimes globally concerning COVID-19 restrictions,” the Ottawa Police intelligence report states. “The success of global protests on the subject of vaccine mandates, etc. creates a sense of efficacy, a sense that one’s actions actually have an impact.”

The report describes other protests as “repetitive” with the “same players, same chants,” mocking left-wing activists who “glue themselves to something, waiting for the same old supper hour news shows and write-ups in hard-left handbills, blogs and undernourished Twitter feeds.”

“A real protest springs up with something close to spontaneity and with tremendous suddenness enlists hundreds of thousands, even millions,” the Ottawa Police intelligence report concludes.

“The convoy appears to be this sort of protest.”

Later in the intelligence report, Ottawa Police describe convoy supporters as the “silent majority” while deriding left-wing community activists as “professional activists” singling out one activist by name who has been critical of Ottawa Police in local media.

In a witness statement from Ottawa Police Inspector Russell Lucas, who served as the Ottawa Police incident commander during the convoy occupation, concedes that the Ottawa Police intelligence unit is poorly run.

“OPS’ intelligence unit was under-staffed” and “its primary focus was criminal intelligence, although it also tried to gather intelligence on protests,” Lucas states. “OPS does not have a dedicated social media monitoring team.”

During testimony, Lucas hinted members of the Ottawa Police intelligence unit may have been sympathetic to anti-vaccine and anti-public health messages.

“Part of the context to this, knowing the writer of this and knowing the people involved, part of the challenge is the topic of mandates, the restrictions, vaccinations, is an

extremely divisive topic,” Lucas noted.

Chris Kiez is responsible for collecting and disseminating intelligence for the Ottawa Police service.

This is from a social media post from one of his accounts.

So the head of intelligence for OPS was one of the #FluTruxKlanners?

Looks like it.

Here’s a snippet of that report, complete with a word from Alt-Right shithead Rex Murphy, who deadlines a Tammy Lich appreciation night at a $ 200-a-plate fundraiser by the JCCF.

It seems Chris Kiez hates the left soooooooo much that his official report read like a “Fuck You Woke Pricks” letter he wanted to put on telephone poles all over downtown Ottawa.

Last week I asked convoy organizer Tim Marazzo if he had help from OPS, and he never really answered the question. In North America,  Combine that with the God complex a lot of law enforcement carry around in general, and you got yourself the perfect storm of “I told you so” for everyone who’s ever tweeted “defund the police.”

Great look, OPS. Maybe get some cops who give a fuck about the greater good instead of blowing up 160-year-old Rex Murphy in a police report because he’s scared of needles.

And cc each other on emails during riots with 8k extremists.

Seems like a good idea.


Dean Blundell

Dean Blundell is a Canadian radio personality. Best known as a longtime morning host on CFNY-FM (The Edge) in Toronto, Ontario. In 2015 he was named the new morning host on sports radio station CJCL (Sportsnet 590 The Fan). Dean started his career in radio in 2001 and for nearly 20 years been entertaining the radio audience. Dean’s newest venture is the launch of his site and podcast which is gaining tremendous momentum across North America.

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