Video: Jess Allen’s Non-Apology For Prejudiced Rant On ‘The Social’ Was A Painful Word Orgy

Nov 15, 2019


The only thing I hate more than shitty people are shitty people who change the discussion with further clarification instead of owning their stuff.  Drives me insane.  That and dickheads who cheat at a 4-way stop.

She should have said ‘sorry for negatively stereotyping hockey players as white boys, bullies, and rich mean kids.’  Saying you didn’t do that is a complete cock-up that doesn’t resemble accountability.  But, Jess is a white woman who got away with a hateful comment toward an entire community, unfairly labeling them according to her experiences.

Do I think she hates hockey players?  I don’t give a shit if she does.  And I’m sure she had the right to speak to her experiences with white hockey boys but I highly doubt ‘they all tended to be’ the dirty little pricks she made them out to be.

She sure sang the praises of hockey players and families who enjoy the game today though, didn’t she?

A slick move by Bell and CTV who can say she ‘addressed it ‘and ‘support her as an employee.’

I honestly wonder if white Jess Allen was white Josh Allen if he would receive the incredible support her co-workers/employer showed her over that past 24 hours.  My guess is ‘NO’.

Most of you want Jess fired because Don was fired.  You just want your pound of flesh from the lefty hippies who made your Saturday worse.

Jess didn’t fire Don so, relax.  She said something just as discriminatory as Don in retaliation to Don but that’s on her which is probably why she looked scared AF today which I didn’t hate.

I really loved her ‘almost crying’ approach today, too.  Her delivery was noticeably shaky as she word fucked us into confusion.  It made me think Jess has never been wrong her entire life and this really rattled the poor girl so take it easy on her Twitter feed.  She’s probably halfway through a bottle of red, curled up in the fetal position in the powder room of her mom’s house because of your hate parade.

Live and let live.  You put the fear of God in her, now give the woman a break.

Watching her crap her bloomers was good enough for me.  Killer shirt, btw.

Pip pip!




Dean Blundell

Dean Blundell is a Canadian radio personality. Best known as a longtime morning host on CFNY-FM (The Edge) in Toronto, Ontario. In 2015 he was named the new morning host on sports radio station CJCL (Sportsnet 590 The Fan). Dean started his career in radio in 2001 and for nearly 20 years been entertaining the radio audience. Dean’s newest venture is the launch of his site and podcast which is gaining tremendous momentum across North America.

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