Video: Massive ANTI-FASCISM Protests In Germany Against Christine Anderson’s AfD Should Scare The Shit Out Of Canada’s Alt-Right Leader Pierre Poilievre…

Jan 28, 2024

If anyone knows the stain of fascist authoritarian rule, it is the good people of Germany who’ve spent the last 75 years trying to extract Nazi Stains from their DNA.

Millions of Germans have flooded parks and roadways for the last two weeks ahead of this year’s German National Election.

Christine Anderson, the leader of Germany’s reformed AfD (formerly the Nazi Party), is leading in most polls. Germans know the stink of authoritarians and see the same rhetoric Nazis used against Jews, but this time, that hate is laser-focused on Muslims, People of color, and any immigrant who isn’t of German descent.

This isn’t about German farmers. This isn’t an anti-vaccine rally. Millions of Germans whose history has been stained at the hands of fascist authoritarianism are responsible for murdering people they vilified in their rise to power.

Source: An estimated 1.4 million people in Germany demonstrated against the far-right Alternative for Germany party (AfD) from Friday to Sunday, according to the organizers of the events.

From Friday through the weekend, demonstrations were called in about 100 locations across Germany. On Sunday, rallies were held in major cities such as Cologne, Munich and Berlin. Several other German cities, including Cottbus, Dresden and Chemnitz in the east, also planned to hold demonstrations.

In Berlin, around 100,000 gathered outside the Bundestag, or the lower house of parliament, according to police figures.

Protesters holding anti-AfD signs outside the Reichstag building in Berlin, January 21, 2024.

Police in Munich said that some 80,000 people participated in the march, while organizers put the figure at 200,000. The march had to be called off due to overcrowding and attendees were asked to disperse.

According to estimates by public broadcaster ARD, some 250,000 demonstrators gathered in cities across the country on Saturday, carrying signs such as “Nazis out.”

About 35,000 people gathered in Frankfurt on Saturday for a “defend democracy” march. Protesters filled the central square, where organizers planned to hold the rally, as well as a second nearby square and the streets in between. Police said the demonstration was peaceful.

The wave of mobilization against the far-right party was sparked by a January 10 report from investigative outlet Correctiv, which revealed that AfD members had met with extremists in Potsdam in November to discuss expelling immigrants and “non-assimilated citizens.” Members of the conservative Christian Democratic Union (CDU), the main opposition party, were reportedly also present.

Participants in the meeting discussed “remigration,” a term often used in far-right circles as a euphemism for the expulsion of immigrants and minorities.

Like their Alt-Right sister party, The Conservative Party of Canada, Germany’s “Alternative For Deutschland” has a massive lead in the polls.

AfD leader Christine Anderson parrots authoritarian talking points like her friend, Pierre Poilievre. The AfD, like the CPC, is against immigration, is run by religious lobby/zealots, and is chock-full of racists and xenophobes with an agenda: Nationalizing their country for “old-stock” (white) nationals while leaning on like-minded global leaders who align with their ideology to legitimize their hateful religious ideology.

Christine Anderson parrots authoritarian talking points like her friend, Pierre Poilievre. The AfD, like the CPC, is against immigration, is run by religious lobby/zealots, and is chock-full of racists and xenophobes with an agenda: Nationalizing their country for “old-stock” (white) nationals while leaning on like-minded global leaders who align with their ideology to legitimize their hateful religious ideology.

For their part, the AfD is doing what Pierre Poilievre is doing to push back against democracy. They accuse the other side of having authoritarian views to hide their violent fascist rhetoric in plain sight. Have an issue with fascism? You’re an authoritarian, according to fascists like Christine Anderson and her Canadian counterpart, Pierre Poilievre.

Have an issue with deporting Muslim immigrants based on their skin color? You hate your country. Have a problem with hate-fueled anti-minority messaging or straight-up lies about the state of your country? You suck (insert progressive leader’s name here) dick. Or you’re about to be hung at Nuremberg.

So, Germany is firing back. They’ve seen this before. So have we.

What will WE do to stand up for democracy in this country? Are we willing to sacrifice an afternoon to show the worldwide MAGA movement that real people have more influence than bots and trolls paid for by the alt-right? The trolls and bots who pretend hate is an alternative opinion while boosting lies about “tyrannical” progressive governments who make space for the marginalized instead of breaking and mocking our institutions?

It’s a matter of time before Canadians also ask for our country and political discourse back. As much as I hate protests, real people, Trump fake trolls who’ve somehow convinced entire populations their progressive, empathetic voices don’t matter. That’s a lie, too.

I feel these people didn’t honk any horns and left because they’re human beings.






Dean Blundell

Dean Blundell is a Canadian radio personality. Best known as a longtime morning host on CFNY-FM (The Edge) in Toronto, Ontario. In 2015 he was named the new morning host on sports radio station CJCL (Sportsnet 590 The Fan). Dean started his career in radio in 2001 and for nearly 20 years been entertaining the radio audience. Dean’s newest venture is the launch of his site and podcast which is gaining tremendous momentum across North America.

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