Video Of Carey Price And A Boy Who Just Lost His Mom To Cancer, Will Break You

Mar 3, 2019

I love kids and I love it when you see adults who are genuinely moved by some children who have to deal with shit they don’t deserve.

Yesterday, Carey Price’s love and humility went viral when he stopped to meet a young boy whose Mom’s dying wish was for her son to meet his hero, Carey Price.

CBC: Last year, as Brantford, Ont., mother Laura McKay was dying of cancer, she promised her son Anderson Whitehead, she would do everything she could to make sure he met Price, his idol. Anderson, who is 11, met the all-star during the morning skate in Toronto last week. McKay died in November, before she could witness the touching moment between her son and the goalie. “I didn’t think somebody like that would sign my stick,” Anderson said. “I didn’t think he would have time for me.” “I broke into tears after he signed my stick. After, he gave me a big hug.

This forever and never stop.

I’m on the verge of tears writing this post because of those big fat tears on that beautiful boy’s face. I love that this happened to him and I’m so happy for us someone recorded it and represented the moment so well. Do you know the kind of bridge Carey Price helped build over the river of raging pain for Anderson?

Anderson’s mother’s dying wish?  Anderson meets HIS hero so she can selfishly experience the pure joy in her son’s face before she left.  Her final desire was her son’s happiness.  Anderson knows that, and his mom’s wish came true yesterday and she saw the whole thing.  All of it.  She watched him walk into the rink clutching a puck with sweaty hands, prepared to meet his favourite hockey player.  She saw him nervously make his way to a seat he was ushered to sit in and slowly sit down staring down the tunnel, waiting for his chance to meet his hero.  She laughed watching him barely blink under that folded Habs toque.  She watched as tears streamed down her heartbroken son’s face as Carey approached him.  She put her hands over her face when Carey unexpectedly removed his mask, glove, and blocker to hold this little boy together.  She watched as both of their dreams came true in a moment they both needed.

I love that we have this moment not because it’s Carey Price hugging a kid whose mom died.  That’s why we read and click. I love this story because it’s truly a magnificent example of the healing power of kindness when people need it most.

Carey knew Anderson’s mom passed away.  That’s why they met. We meet people every day silently broken.  I’m not going to start running around hugging people and taking pictures with them, but it sure doesn’t hurt me to smile or hold a door open.  It won’t take me much more time during my travels letting someone merge instead of pinching the bumper in front of you pretending the person you’re not letting in, isn’t there.  It happened today.  I’m still hot about it.

I’m starting to hate meme’s but I always go back to this one saying and completely fuck it up when I write it:

It’s by Wendy Mass (I think).  Don’t quote me on who wrote the quote, it just makes perfect sense to me as a rule of kindness. I’ve been in that place where an unexpected smile or a simple kindness has changed my day. This is the kind of kindness that will help repair a life.  That’s why I’m happy it was recorded because we get to experience it too.

And Anderson, your mom is OK now.  It’s not fair, but over time, you’ll be OK too, and make all those other dreams come true that your mom has yet to see. And see them, she will young sir!

Just like she did when the first one came true.





Dean Blundell

Dean Blundell is a Canadian radio personality. Best known as a longtime morning host on CFNY-FM (The Edge) in Toronto, Ontario. In 2015 he was named the new morning host on sports radio station CJCL (Sportsnet 590 The Fan). Dean started his career in radio in 2001 and for nearly 20 years been entertaining the radio audience. Dean’s newest venture is the launch of his site and podcast which is gaining tremendous momentum across North America.

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