I was thinking about penning a masterpiece on how we could fix all of Canada’s political/societal issues if we banned religious assholes from running for office. Like, all of them.
Instead, I decided to whittle it down to a shit piece about the only man in Canada who creeps me right the fuck out, wannabe PM Pierre “Le Fuck” Poillievere.
Pierre is a little rich shit who probably had his ass kicked k-12 and MAY have deserved it. He grew up pissed off and friendless and FINALLY thinks he’s making his
Aside from his ferret look and ferret voice, what bugs me about Pierre is his entire fucking presentation.
His slick Wall Street haircut.
His annoying ferrety voice.
His opportunistic words. Literally, everything about Pierre screams I fucking hate myself and inside this weird sac of meat in a suit, I’m a scared little 9-year-old whose parents didn’t love him. It’s science.
(Looks like his parents didn’t like indigenous people either)
What Pierre represents is everything that’s wrong with this country.
Neo-con special interest groups.
Annoying honkeys and fuck boys who use way too much gel.
Debate club assholes who jerk off into T-4 slips.
His Lord and Savior “Jesus Christ” and a church that hates gay people.
Evangelical domestic extremists.
The Church.
Same-sex marriage.
German porn vibe
Any religious subgroup or action committee who wants to turn Canada into a Theocratic state.
And holy fuck, is Pierre ever an opportunist.
When he’s not pretending he cares about the religious freedoms of our Hebrew brothers and sisters…
He’s using the pandemic to game your email address to pester the fuck out of you for monthely donations to the Pierre/Jesus Train!
Don’t accuse Pierre of leaving his Aryan nation behind, either.
And who the fuck takes the Josten’s ‘hand-on-the-chin’ school picture in their fucking 40’s. Honest to God. It’s like he’s trying to tell us his browser is full of VERY questionable porn.
Oh, did I fail to mention that Pierre thinks Indigenous people are lazy??
There are A LOT of racist, religious extremist conservative assholes but no one pimps the Christ quite like Pierre. That’s what makes me hate him. And I hate him. Anyone who uses monetizing the afterlife for personal gain is a useless bag of fuck. The worst of the worst. Pierre Le Fuck doesn’t just mention he loves the lord, he uses ‘The Christ’ in his campaign literature.
This bad boy is a nod to the rest of the cult. “Hey guy’s, don’t forget: vote for a born-again Christian because if you don’t, you’ll be persecuted for your batshit crazy belief system. ONLY I CAN PROTECT THE CHRISTIANS!”
Every politician does it with every religion but Pierre’s different. He leans into the hate. He wants Canada to be more exclusionary. His whole ‘Make Canada The Freest Country In The World!’ bit is a dog whistle for other crazy religious extremists to allow room for hateful ideologies as an alternative view.
He hates Canada. His pivot to supporting Extremism and hate is an extension of who he really is and he hid it because he’s embarrassed by who he is and what his parents forced him to believe.
That’s why Pierre has no problem using a public tragedy to fundraise for personal gain on the taxpayer ‘dime’. He doesn’t give a shit about you. You’re just a stepping stone to relevance and reclamation of control and power kids took away from him in the 6th grade with a series of atomic wedgies he probably deserved.
The reason Pierre Le Fuck put out this tweet? YOUR email address for $.
— Dean Blundell🇨🇦 (@ItsDeanBlundell) March 21, 2022
Here’s the rub:
Religious dicks shouldn’t be allowed to run for Office. When I’m PM, I’ll be introducing “No Religious Dicks” legislation. You’re welcome.
— Dean Blundell🇨🇦 (@ItsDeanBlundell) March 21, 2022
If we want to fix this country, we’d tax the living FUCK out of the church and we’d ban religious Zealots (all of them) from running for or occupying public office. Seriously. You can’t serve human beings when you publically dedicate your life and soul to an invisible sky daddy. It’s impossible, and every single sitting elected public servant who gives over their life to organized religion should be banned from serving the people of Canada in any and every official capacity.
If push came to shove, religious zealots and extremists will pick their fake god over their very real neighbor because their eternal life is at stake. Serving the public interest is a nuisance when serving a master who owns the afterlife. That’s why there’s been an effort to bend the political and social will of Canada back to a colonial Christ-Like existence with fake trucker rallies.
It makes sense because he’s one of them. A Fucking weirdo.
Dean Blundell
Dean Blundell is a Canadian radio personality. Best known as a longtime morning host on CFNY-FM (The Edge) in Toronto, Ontario. In 2015 he was named the new morning host on sports radio station CJCL (Sportsnet 590 The Fan). Dean started his career in radio in 2001 and for nearly 20 years been entertaining the radio audience. Dean’s newest venture is the launch of his site and podcast which is gaining tremendous momentum across North America.