Video: Police Say 10 Year Old Girl And 18 Year Old Woman Died, 13 Other’s Injured In Toronto Attack

Jul 23, 2018

*UPDATE: Shooters name is Faisal Hussain, 29 of Toronto.

That means 16 people (including the fuckface who pulled the trigger) were shot in Toronto last night.  16.

10 people were killed in the April van attack and dozens more were injured.  If you’re keeping track 40 people were injured and 12 have been killed in terror attacks in the past 3.5 months in Toronto so if you feel safe living in Canada, don’t.

Again, I’m not citing race or religion as a motive.  Terror is terror despite motive and I hope this guy is part of a daisy chain in hell with Hitler and Satan laying on a bed of nails.

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