Video: QB Chad Kelly Who Led The Game Winning Drive For The Argos To Win The Grey Cup Got “Randomly” Drug Tested Right After The Game

Nov 25, 2022
@pardonmytake After leading a game winning drive in the CFL achampionship Chad Kelly got drug tested immediately after the game #fyp ♬ original sound – pardonmytake

Wow CFL, could you be ANY MORE LAME?

Yes, this is a blog about the CFL. Full disclosure I watched the Grey Cup. A have a buddy who works in the video department there and his brother is the assistant GM. I had some vested interest in the Argos winning, which they did and I’ll be honest it was a wild game.

Not one but TWO blocked field goals in the final minute to seal the game for the Argos.

Argos, Quarterback McLeod Bethel-Thompson injured his hand near the end of the game so backup QB Chad Kelly had to come in and score to put the Argos on top, which he did in fine fashion. The Argos ended up winning and Chad was the hero.

Fast forward to his appearance on the Barstool Sports Podcast Pardon My Take, where it was revealed he couldn’t even celebrate with his team after the game because the CFL called him to the quiet room to drug test him. As he said in the video, that shit ain’t random.

Listen CFL come talk to Uncle Rookie. For the most part, your product is a dumpster fire. If I were you I’d let every player do steroids. You had a LIGHTS OUT Grey Cup and you go and ruin a player’s time winning his first Grey Cup by drug testing him post-game? DISGUSTING! Have some respect. Send him a letter 2 days later. Pitiful.

Well done Argos! As I said it was a great game. And congratulations to my buddies who now have 2 Grey Cup rings with the Argos. Believe it or not, it actually helps with the ladies at the pub. I’ve seen it.

As for you CFL, stop drug testing your players and let them have fun.

Oh and PS, Chad Kelly also thinks he can start in the NFL over 50% of the QBs currently starting. The balls on the kid, I love it.

@pardonmytake Chad Kelly tells us whi he thinks he could start iver in the NFL #fyp ♬ original sound – pardonmytake

Chris Rooke

Content Director-Producer-Writer

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