Video: Russell Brand comparing genocide in Ukraine to Canada’s fake trucker convoy for Jesus is 2 minutes you’ll never get back

Mar 14, 2022

Fuck Russell Brand.  This rant on why the Genocide of innocent Ukrainian people somehow being the same as Trudeau not listening to a few thousand braindead Qanon-spewing trailer pigs means he’s legitimately fucked in the head.

Far-right site The Post Millennial is pushing this around on behalf of the religious right to justify Putin’s murder of Ukrainian for the Russian Orthodox Christian church other religious extremists around the world because Russell’s “Bit” accomplishes two things.

  1. Continues to reinforce Canada as a police state which is a total fucking lie

  2. It presents the invasion of Ukraine as acceptable in some fucked up form

The alt-right calls this “a home run’ because Russell is a man of MAJOR influence who willingly perpetrates conspiratorial lies without getting paid to do so.  His content fits the alt-right narrative and it helps flood the zone with confusion, outrage, and doubt.

Outlets like The Post Millennial pretend to be more polished versions of Rebel and Fox but the intent is the same.  Produce content that weekends Canada, confuses voters, and outrages the marginalized, stupid, religious zealots into any action that contrasts the status quo.

It’s pretty simple.  Any “PROUD” brand or mealy-mouthed neo-con outlet works hateful content into a piece that appears legitimate for the purpose of activating religious fucking idiots into believing they live under a dictatorship.  It gives real dictatorships and Christo-fascist assholes room to move around freely, affecting daily life with lies presented as an alternative because the rest of us get sick of dealing with insane losers working in troll farms supported by companies like Aggregate IQ in Victoria, BC.

This Canadian pastor knows ALL about it.

Over the next couple of weeks, we are going to publicly shit in the mouths of The Post Millennial, Cambridge Analytica, Aggregate IQ and other orgs who are bent on hurting people for money.  That’s what this is.  The religious right/Neo-cons hurting and punishing the secular world into a theocratic existence and I am going to fuck, them, into, oblivion.

Not JUST because I hate organized religion and those who use it to hurt others, but I DIG watching cockroaches run for cover when the lights are on.  It gives me a semi – and if I can shake an asshole’s belief system to their core, I get a full-on rager.

So, fuck Russell Brand and anyone who passes off his ‘everybody loves everybody’ bullshit.  His content is an algorithmic hack used to make the world a shittier place.

Someone needs to tell him to buy shirts that fit. The dude is 50.  It’s time.


Dean Blundell

Dean Blundell is a Canadian radio personality. Best known as a longtime morning host on CFNY-FM (The Edge) in Toronto, Ontario. In 2015 he was named the new morning host on sports radio station CJCL (Sportsnet 590 The Fan). Dean started his career in radio in 2001 and for nearly 20 years been entertaining the radio audience. Dean’s newest venture is the launch of his site and podcast which is gaining tremendous momentum across North America.

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