Video: Sheldon Keefe needs to start holding Leafs players accountable

Oct 17, 2022

The Toronto Maple Leafs need a crash course in hockey 101.

Playing in the pressure cooker of Toronto means player performances will be examined underneath a microscope. That’s why three games into the NHL season, Leafs Nation is spending more time finding everything wrong than focusing on what went right.

One area the Maple Leafs need to improve in a hurry is turnovers. Hockey players are taught at a young age that they clear the puck up the boards, not the middle of the ice. It may be early into the season, but Sheldon Keefe shouldn’t worry about teaching his locker room full of professional players fundamentals.

Things can get out of hand in a hurry, and Toronto may have to return to school for a quick refresh of hockey 101. So far, the Leafs are making too many fundamental errors that could hurt them down the road if they don’t start cleaning things up now. It’s inexcusable for professional athletes to commit the number of mistakes the Maple Leafs make.

The only way Toronto will clean up its sloppy play is for Sheldon Keefe to start holding players accountable.

Griff Bordignon

Hi, my name is Griff and I'm a complete sports nut. I love to play sports, watch sports and most importantly bet on sports too. If I'm not watching or betting on sports, you can find me on the golf course, between the pipes as your average beer league goaltender. Although sports take up most of my life, I also love spending time with my two dogs, streaming usually a 90's Simpson's or attempting to read more books.

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