Video: Somebody ripped ass in studio during the Raptors game and it was amazing

Shug McSween Nov 9, 2019

Rod Black is one of the most versatile sports media in the world, and Friday night during the Raptors game, he had to deal with an unexpected ‘gas leak’ in the studio. He handled it like a true pro.

They asked Sam Mitchell if it came out of his ass and he responded with “Zero, zero, zero, zero, zero”.

This happens way more than you know. For us, we have Graham, he comes into the studio right before podcasts and drops a deuce that can take the paint off the walls. We commend Rod for being able to pull through.

Farting is funny, I don’t care how old you are.

Shug McSween

Shug McSween is a veteran here at and has been contributing since day one. A sports nut with a sophisticated opinion, expect McSween to cover any and everything he's passionate about. When he's not busy writing and editing for our crew, McSween likes to get away via fairways and greens. He also contributes to The Hockey Writers, and

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