Video: The Avengers Endgame trailer is so much better when all the characters are Deadpool

Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock or some remote island… (Which to be honest these days sounds pretty good) you’ve probably seen the new Avengers: Endgame trailer. You and about half a million other fans.
Thing is.. spoiler alert .. they are not going to let Stark suffocate floating around all by his lonesome in space. So as cool as it looked it wasn’t going to tip any hand at what to expect.
So props to YouTube channel Mightyraccoon!, which edited the original Endgametrailer so that Deadpool replaces every character that Marvel showed in the first trailer.
Beyond just replacing all of the Avengers with Deadpool, our favorite part is Deadpool’s snarky voice doing the voiceover. And the script for it is exactly the same, but it’s narrated with Deadpool’s iconic joie-de-vivre and the tone we’ve all come to love over the years. Again, it’s not Reynolds playing Deadpool. Instead, we’re looking at the work of Mishka Thebaud, who pulls off a pretty convincing Deadpool impersonation.
Purple Homer Simpson, Huge Jackman, no 5th Avengers movie… it’s all there… Watch the awesomeness ….
David Randell
Musician, Magician, dad of 3 and Day 1er around here! Canadian living in Dublin, Ireland! (Primarily for the Beer!) TML, Raptors, TFC fan. Movies, TV, Sports, Entertainment... pretty much everything is fair game. A mulligatawny of drivel coming your way.