Video: The ‘Momo Challenge’ Is Complete Bullshit. Here’s The Deal…

Mar 5, 2019

I’m not gonna lie, the Momo thing freaked me out a little bit.

My kid (12)  came home and tried to tell me about it last week when I was making lunches so I didn’t actively pay attention.

Glad I didn’t.  It’s complete garbage. Some UBER nerd used a pic of a Sculpture made by some 43-year-old Japanese dude named Keisuke Aiso, who clearly needs counseling.   Anyway, today he told Peppa Pig Fans and adults on What’s App with the emotional IQ of a 6-year-old,  ‘Momo’ was shredded and he burned recently.

‘It doesn’t exist anymore, it was never meant to last. It was rotten and I threw it away.

‘The children can be reassured Momo is dead – she doesn’t exist and the curse is gone,’ he told The Sun. Mother Bird’ as it is actually known, was built in 2016 and exhibited at an alternative art gallery in the Japanese capital as part of an annual exhibition that gallery staff have now faced death threats for. 

It depicts the naked torso of a woman with a bird’s lower half. The artist admitted that his intention was to scare people with the creation that was inspired by horror movies.

It allegedly became the face of a sickening online trolling effort targeted at children, even making its way into Peppa Pig videos. 

It was also the subject of the ‘Momo Challenge’ where children  were ‘challenged’ to communicate with an unknown number and take part in sickening forfeits.

In a haunting voice, chilling threats allegedly meet those who view the tainted videos. 

There were reports of a schoolgirl left so terrified after being exposed to Momo that she banged her head against school walls, refused to go to the toilet alone and suffered from paralyzing nightmares.

If you have a minute this Daily Mail Breakdown is really good.   Basically, some dickhead started this challenge because he’s tired of masturbating to binary code.  He (or She;) embedded a live looking pic or video into Peppa Pig episodes on YouTube AND as a virus on WhatsApp of this greasy looking face, which scares this shit out of kids by telling them to hurt or kill themselves.

For their part YouTube has stepped up and told consumers MOMO in any of their content is bull, but keep an eye on what your kids are watching.

There was a story this week of a little girl who cut a chunk of her own hair when MOMO appeared and told her to do it.

Other than that, that’s pretty much the only real casualty and I blame the mom.  What moron mom leaves lying around with a three-year-old on the loose but the MOMO struggle is real.

According to Wiki, (I know Wiki is the poor man’s version of the facts) this bullshit hoax has been around since 2018 and all reported rumors of kids committing suicide are ‘Fake News’ likely started by pranksters ins Colombia:

Maybe tell your kids MOMO is an internet hoax even though the freaky bird thing that looks like my 7th grade Social Studies Teacher, Hildegard Fast, is popping up in videos, but no one has died or committed self-harm with the exception of this goofy looking kid who cut her own hair.

It’s 2019’s equivalent of like those stupid chain emails that says ‘Send This To 20 People Or Your Dog Will Kill Your Mom.’

It’s Bullshit.  It’s all Bullshit.

Sleep well and tell your kids so they do too.  You’re welcome.



Dean Blundell

Dean Blundell is a Canadian radio personality. Best known as a longtime morning host on CFNY-FM (The Edge) in Toronto, Ontario. In 2015 he was named the new morning host on sports radio station CJCL (Sportsnet 590 The Fan). Dean started his career in radio in 2001 and for nearly 20 years been entertaining the radio audience. Dean’s newest venture is the launch of his site and podcast which is gaining tremendous momentum across North America.

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