Video: The US Government Just Called Alberta Premier, Danielle Smith, A Quack For Suggesting They Are Spraying Alberta With Mind Control “Chemtrails”

Oct 2, 2024

Alberta Premier Danielle Smith isn’t an intelligent person. She’s a well-trained opportunist—or at least I thought she was until she blamed the US Government for possibly spraying Albertans with mind-controlling “chemtrails” in a town hall the other day—because “someone” told her and “the lady in charge of those things” blah blah blah.

The most concerning aspect of this clip is all the due diligence she seems to have done in investigating who’s spraying the province and the boos from dumb hillbillies who want the mind control chemtrail conspiracy to be authentic.

What is the Chemtrail Conspriacy?

Great question:

The chemtrail conspiracy theory began to circulate in the mid-1990s. It gained traction through the Internet and radio programs, particularly among far-right groups that harbor deep suspicions of government activities. The term “chemtrail” itself is a portmanteau of “chemical” and “trail,” mirroring the formation of “contrail” from “condensation” and “trail.”

Key Claims and Speculations

Proponents of this theory speculate about various purposes for the alleged chemical spraying, including:

  • Solar radiation management
  • Weather modification
  • Psychological manipulation
  • Human population control
  • Biological or chemical warfare
  • Testing of biological or chemical agents on populations

They also claim that these supposed chemtrails cause respiratory illnesses and other health problems.

Scientific Consensus

The scientific community has consistently dismissed the chemtrail conspiracy theory. There is no evidence that the alleged chemtrails differ from normal water-based contrails routinely left by high-flying aircraft under certain atmospheric conditions. Multiple government agencies, including the EPA, FAA, NASA, and NOAA, have attempted to dispel these rumors.

Misinterpretation of Evidence

Believers in the chemtrail theory often misinterpret everyday atmospheric phenomena and government research:

  • They claim that contrails lasting longer than a few minutes must contain additional substances, ignoring evidence of long-lasting contrails in World War II-era photographs.
  • Some interpret cloud seeding programs and climate engineering research as evidence for the conspiracy.
  • A 1996 Air Force strategy paper titled “Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025” is often cited as proof despite being a fictional scenario that does not reflect current military policy or capabilities.

While the chemtrail conspiracy theory continues to persist in certain circles comprised of idiots, religious zealots, and people with multiple personality disorders, it remains unsupported by ANY scientific evidence. Experts and government agencies worldwide have repeatedly debunked it for 30 years.

The US Government Has Responded to Alberta’s Conspiracy Queen Premier

They said she’s drunk. So did NORAD.

(You can hear CentCom and Pentagon staffers laughing at her in their replies – ‘ask her what she means” is LOLZ)

When the Pentagon says you’re crazy, the premier is a conspiracy loon; you’ve made it, Alberta. Finally, you’re on America’s radar. 

Evidence-based statements are critical. If Smith thinks the Chemtrail conspiracy theory is a thing, she’s not basing her opinion on evidence. There is ZERO evidence of any government spraying harmful mind control, population control, or magic mist into the atmosphere—anywhere, ever. Even giving the Chemtrail conspiracy room to breathe as a possibility is wholly disqualifying as a sworn officer of the province of Alberta. Justifying those insane comments means she’s not evidence-based or interested in any data, and data is the only truth. If she’s pandering to the religiously insane right, that’s one thing. If she genuinely believes the US government is targeting Albertans with magic mind control dust, that’s different and even more dangerous than the previous. This means she willingly ignores data in favor of ignorance based on a set of core beliefs void of fact—the definition of crazy. It’s also pure disinformation meant to keep crazy supporters suspicious of the “government.”

It’s on-brand for a woman who ate horse dewormer to preempt respiratory infections and a person who thinks Trans-Kids are demonic manifestations who don’t deserve fundamental human rights.







Dean Blundell

Dean Blundell is a Canadian radio personality. Best known as a longtime morning host on CFNY-FM (The Edge) in Toronto, Ontario. In 2015 he was named the new morning host on sports radio station CJCL (Sportsnet 590 The Fan). Dean started his career in radio in 2001 and for nearly 20 years been entertaining the radio audience. Dean’s newest venture is the launch of his site and podcast which is gaining tremendous momentum across North America.

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