VIDEO: Trudeau to Poilievre – “He’d rather mock and insult than actually roll up his sleeves and get solutions built for Canadians.”

Jason Pugh May 29, 2024

So, this happened today during Question Period:

What led to this bizarre outburst by the Leader of His Majesty’s Official Opposition?

It was after Pierre repeatedly asked the same question and demanded a simple answer to a complex issue. (One of his favourite Question Period games he plays.)

“Now he’s promising 3.9 million new homes by 2031. That means 550 thousand new homes this and every year. Will…he…keep…that…promise? YES OR NO?” – Pierre Poilievre

The Prime Minister listed off more of what their plan entails and mentioned the catalogue, which is why we saw PP spring to his feet full of excitement, leading to the outburst I tweeted.

Yes, because the number of houses built would be divided evenly over the years between now and then, so asking if they’ll build 550,000 new homes immediately is a totally reasonable and serious question.

You can tell how serious PP is being by…the…way…he…asked…his…question. Which was the third time he asked it.

Liberals are implementing their plan to solve the housing issue, and, as usual, Conservatives make ridiculous demands.

Liberals: “Hey, I got an idea. Let’s do “X” to solve “Y.”

Conservatives: “Has it instantly been accomplished already? YES OR NO?”

This is nothing new for Conservatives.

Take Hurricane Fiona, for example:

Then, about 10 minutes later:

Which led to this whopper by CPC MP Rosemarie Falk about an hour after QP had finished:

Demanding simplistic answers to complex issues, usually in the form of a “yes or no” question. It’s just childish trolling by Conservatives.

Just last week, Pierre Poilievre said this during QP:

“He brags about his BILLIONS in spending. Mr. Speaker, people can’t live in “billions,” they live in homes.” – Pierre Poilievre.

That’s just pure nonsense coming out of PP’s mouth.

So, I have one question for those who support Pierre Poilievre.

Is too much to ask that Pierre Poilievre, at the very least, make sense?

Yes or no?


Jason Pugh

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