Video: Tucker Carlson’s New Special Looks A LOT Like A Gay Porn. A LOT.

Apr 17, 2022

You can tell the measure of a man by how much he tries to defend a man’s ability to continue to be ‘A MAN’.

Real men don’t need to promote the protection of the rights of white men. They get the fuck on with it while giving their privilege to those who don’t have it.  Being proud to be a man means you’re proud about a chromosomal change in your mother’s womb which is super fucking idiotic.

Tucker Carlson put out a trailer for his first ‘Tucker Carlson Original’ production on Friday. I think he meant it to be a rallying cry for white Christian men to stand up against the assault against white Christian men he invents on a nightly basis.

It came off as a cry for a pile of dick.

This is pussy propaganda. A victim piece painting the sons of slavemasters and colonial religious zealots as persecuted losers who will end up defining another generation of incels who walk around acting like women and black people are stealing from them.

It’s also a Freudian slip by Tucker who made sure every man in this trailer was:

  1. Shirtless

  2. Wrestling shirtless

  3. Chopping wood – shirtless

  4. Doing shirtless pushups

  5. Sinking into an ice bath, shirtless

  6. Flipping tires…shirtless

  7. Drinking a creamy smoothie, shirtless

Let’s not forget about the doucher sunning his nutsack with UV rays for a higher sperm count.

“End Of Men” isn’t a special.  It’s a view into Tucker’s sexual soul. This is Tucker telling us he REALLY wants his parents to know how BADLY he’d like to live free of judgment from the Christian community, as a gay man.

That’s my take. That’s everyone’s take, actually.

My man Marl REALLY drove home the point with his Tweet.

I want Tucker to live free.  It’s gotta suck knowing you want all these guys in you and this is your public acknowledgment of that desire.  He’d be so much happier if he just walked into his church next Sunday with those guys to claim his new life instead of living in fear of his natural self.


Jordan Peterson is going to jizz in his Bemzo bottles when he sees this.

Dean Blundell

Dean Blundell is a Canadian radio personality. Best known as a longtime morning host on CFNY-FM (The Edge) in Toronto, Ontario. In 2015 he was named the new morning host on sports radio station CJCL (Sportsnet 590 The Fan). Dean started his career in radio in 2001 and for nearly 20 years been entertaining the radio audience. Dean’s newest venture is the launch of his site and podcast which is gaining tremendous momentum across North America.

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