Video: Watch Clownvoy Lawyer Brendan Miller Get Kicked Out Of EA Hearing, After Being Served A Libel Lawsuit. LOL.

Nov 22, 2022

Remember yesterday when we told you #FluTruxKlan lawyer Brendan Miller was going to get sued by Enterprise Canada’s Brian Fox after suggesting he was responsible for being a provocateur for the feds, carrying a Nazi Flag?

I remember it like it was yesterday because it was yesterday. Today, Brian Fox, the man Brendan Miller incorrectly identified as a Nazi flag holder at the convoy, and his company, Enterprise communications, hit Brendan with a bit fat lawsuit.

Miller was so fucking rattled he lost his fucking mind on national TV fighting with Justice Rouleau, who told him to stop being a dick, but he

If Brian and Enterprise are in a suing mood, they should go after covid Caillou, Keean Bexte. I heard Keean was breastfed by his aunt until he was 22.


OOOOHHHHH. That’s a stern letter to get the day after telling the world you’re a terrible lawyer via your lousy lawyering.

Maybe that’s why he broke the number one rule of Lawyering today when he started telling the Judge he didn’t know how to Judge, followed by that Judge throwing Brendan out of a hearing he was lead counsel at.

Brendan was asked outside the courtroom why he chose to name a private citizen as a Nazi flag-waver/ANTIFA provocateur?

He said, “I talked to a witness!! LOLZ


Watch Brendan storm off and give an interview to Rebel News and True North in pants hemmed 6 inches too high.

Is this the worst 24 hours of Lawyering in Canadian legal history?

  • The director of Canada’s Spy agency OBLITERATED the convoy’s basic notion that Trudeau called the EA to make 8k unvaccinated degenerate assholes suffer by forcibly removing them from illegally occupying downtown Ottawa for three weeks. Yesterday’s admission was that the CSIS director TOLD Trudeau to trigger the EA because it was a severe national security risk wasting the last four weeks of ‘acting’ by Brendan Miller.
  • He broke the NUMBER ONE rule of lawyering – don’t piss off the judge presiding over your case.
  • He was forcibly removed from a hearing he was lead counsel for, sowing us his flood pants on the way out.
  • That combover…

The Convoy’s legal team sucks. It’s over. Now it’s about dancing on the grave of hillbilly extremists and lawyers they can afford to hire.

The Canadian government will turn the screws on the convoy in the following two weeks. Nothing Lorrie Goldstein, Sheila Gunn Reid, or Ezra levant can bring anything convoy-related back from where it’s going. The organizers and their lawyers are in DEEP civil and federal trouble.

Brian Fox’s Lawyers at BLAKES aren’t fucking around either. I hope Brendan has insurance.

Brendan tried and failed to use Brian Fox as a government patsy with a Nazi flag. Suppose that was his whole case, Jesus Christ. Even if he was, it’s irrelevant.

Stunning lawyering. Stunning.



Dean Blundell

Dean Blundell is a Canadian radio personality. Best known as a longtime morning host on CFNY-FM (The Edge) in Toronto, Ontario. In 2015 he was named the new morning host on sports radio station CJCL (Sportsnet 590 The Fan). Dean started his career in radio in 2001 and for nearly 20 years been entertaining the radio audience. Dean’s newest venture is the launch of his site and podcast which is gaining tremendous momentum across North America.

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