Video: Yay…Weed Is Legal And I’m Still Going To Smoke It In My Garage Like This
@Lochlincross appears on courtesy of his boss Christian who really doesn’t care what he does outside work because he understands how the internet works
Isn’t this exciting?!?! Now you can smoke in your garage. Hold on…I was already smoking in my garage. Ya but now you can grow your stash! Let’s be honest you’re NEVER going to grow your own. Ya but now you get to pay more for it and wonder why they still haven’t filled the f*cking pothole in front of your house.
I’ve never been a regular smoker, but I’m pro-legalization. If we’re honest, most regular smokers are probably going to be annoyed by legalization. You now have a policy at work on paper you never had before. Your buddy Karl will more than likely get a real job (Karl’s your dealer, the guy that shows up every Sunday with a baggie, the one you keep telling your wife you’re not friends with, but you helped move out of his Mom’s place in August). And if Karl gets caught selling past this point, the government is going to THROW the book at him. Did I mention you’re probably going to pay more for it?
Legalization is a good thing because it might reduce the stigma and some of the stereotypes surrounding its use (I hope you’re listening Karl…because you’re part of the problem). But that’s not going to happen overnight. And it’s not going to be easy. The medical benefits of Pot need to start being the reason why this was a good move. We take way too many pills in this country. The next time your Doctor writes you a script for pain medicine make sure you ask if there’s an alternative. If he or she doesn’t bring up cannabis, ask them why. TOO many people are dying because of the control the pharmaceutical companies have over the medical industry. That needs to change, and I’m hoping today was a step in that direction.
Now some fun shit…this is #TheLOCKERROOM (my show) getting stoned in my garage in Edmonton: