Pierre Poilievre and the Conservative Party of Canada are exploiting a tragedy again to score cheap political points.
This time it’s Benardo transfer.
So you’re probably wondering why I would say that they’re just exploiting this.
I’m saying it because of what backbencher CPC MP, Michelle Rempel Garner, said during Question Period:
She brought up the healing lodge transfer to paint the picture that the Liberals are soft heinous crimes. What she conveniently left out, and is hoping that everyone forgot about, is the 14 similar transfers of child murderers under Stephen Harper between 2011-2015.
I wrote about that “scandal” here:
SCANDAL NUMBER FIVE – The one they dropped overnight: Healing lodge transfers
Then she managed to shoehorn in something about Jody Wilson-Raybould to try to make this about feminism or something.
Dale Smith, who was live tweeting Question Period, corrected Ms. Rempel Garner on what actually happened:
Rempel Garner says that the only minister Trudeau fired was JWR.
Not actually true. She resigned, and other ministers have been dropped from Cabinet with no explanation. #QP— Dale Smith (@journo_dale) June 14, 2023
So it seems that decisions about these types of prisoner transfers by Corrections Canada ONLY became an issue when the Conservative Party of Canada decided to turn them into “scandals.”
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. There is no low too low for the Conservative Party of Canada to go.
Jason Pugh