WATCH: NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh demands foreign interference inquiry investigate Conservatives leadership race

Jason Pugh Jun 10, 2024

Ahead of today’s Question Period, New Democratic Party leader Jagmeet Singh issued this statement:

“The idea that a foreign government was involved in the selection of the leader of the Conservative Party is deeply concerning.”

Earlier in the day NDP MP Alistair MacGregor had this to say:

“The NDP leader already has the clearance. He is going to be getting the briefing on who these compromised politicians are.”

“I, for the life of me, cannot understand why there is ongoing refusal on behalf of the leader of the Conservative Party.”

“Because it seems to me that the only thing that I can derive from that state of fact is that he seems that would rather talk about things he doesn’t know rather than know things he can’t talk about.” – Alistair MacGregor

As other’s have pointed out Pierre Poilievre claims that he refuses to get his proper security clearance to read the NSICOP report because he would then be muzzled.

So Pierre says he won’t get his clearance because it would “gag’ him, but he then DEMANDS those who have their clearance and have read the #NSICOP report violate their gag order.


Jason Pugh

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