Who Wants To Read About Tommy Robinson’s Ties to Convicted Pedophiles and Financial Links to Hate Groups and Rebel News? Here You Go!

Jun 26, 2024

When Rebel News brought their dark money guy to Canada, they knew of his promotion of and association with convicted pedophiles in England. Tommy Robinson (Steven Yaxley-Lennon is his real name) has defended no fewer than 10 of his former colleagues at the English Defense League who have all at one point been charged or convicted with everything from rape to murdering young children.

Tommy spent yesterday suggesting I was fired for making comments about minors (that old projection piece) because the best defense is a great offense when you’re a drifting yob with a criminal record as long as the 401 and protector of no fewer than ten pedophiles in your organization – the English Defense League (maybe they’re just defending pedophiles). That didn’t stop Tommy from doing what he does best – calling his critics pedophiles after he was arrested in Calgary for lying about his 20-year criminal history.

Tommy’s community notes are always outstanding, by the way.

Until I read about the convicted pedophiles he works with and pays at the English Defense League, I knew almost nothing about this little shit, but now I know his shtick. It’s the same Schtick religious pedo’s peddle: “We’re here for the kids!”

They aren’t. They are here to exploit kids and use it as a front to protect their pedophile donors, friends, and enablers while fleecing people for millions.

Tommy is one of those career criminals who uses the platform of stopping child exploitation as a springboard to paint all of his critics as pedophiles. Why? He’s a lifelong friend and works with A LOT of convicted pedophiles. Tommy racializes child exploitation on behalf of his pedophile friends and donors who have given him millions to paint Muslims as rapist pedophiles. That’s his job. To protect the racist pedophiles he works with while profiting off of his fake persona as a child exploitation warrior. And he’s protecting A LOT of convicted pedophiles.

Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, better known as Tommy Robinson, has long positioned himself as a crusader against child sexual exploitation (CSE), mainly targeting Muslim men. However, a closer examination of his actions over the past two decades reveals a disturbing pattern of hypocrisy, as he has repeatedly defended and associated with convicted pedophiles within his circles.

Defending Richard Price: A Glaring Example

In June 2010, Lennon’s close friend and English Defence League (EDL) co-founder Richard Price was convicted of making indecent images of children. Rather than condemning this horrendous crime, Lennon launched a vigorous defense campaign, claiming Price had been “stitched up” and had “no idea how [the images] were on his computer.” It took Lennon six months to finally condemn Price’s actions, and even then, he attempted to distance himself by falsely claiming Price was never an EDL leader – a statement contradicted by Lennon’s earlier assertions.

Ignoring Widespread Abuse Within the EDL – It’s what Pedos do

During Lennon’s leadership of the EDL, at least ten members and supporters were convicted of child sexual exploitation offenses. Shockingly, there is no record of Lennon condemning any of these individuals. Some notable cases include:

1. Robert Ewing, who murdered a schoolgirl after developing an “inappropriate sexual interest” in her.

2. Leigh McMillan, a senior EDL figure, was sentenced to 17 years for abusing a 10-year-old schoolgirl.

3. Brett Moses, who pleaded guilty to sexual grooming.

4. John Broomfield, who admitted to making indecent images of children.

Continued Association with Sex Offenders

Even after leaving the EDL, Lennon has maintained relationships with individuals later revealed to be sex offenders. In June 2017, he shared a stage with William Charlton at a Sunderland rally praising Charlton’s campaign. Charlton was later found guilty of distributing an indecent photograph of a child.

The Hypocrisy Exposed

Lennon’s selective outrage and failure to consistently condemn child sexual exploitation across all communities reveal his true motives. While he loudly decries alleged Muslim perpetrators, he has repeatedly ignored or even defended occurrences of these crimes within his ranks. This behavior demonstrates that Lennon is more concerned with pushing his anti-Muslim agenda than genuinely combating child sexual exploitation or challenging sexual violence.

His actions not only undermine his credibility as an advocate for child protection but also potentially jeopardize natural justice for survivors. By exploiting the pain of CSE survivors for his political gain and failing to address abuse within his circles, Lennon proves himself to be a hypocrite rather than a genuine ally in the fight against child sexual exploitation.

Stephen Yaxley-Lennon’s two-decade-long history of defending and associating with white pedophiles within his own organization and social circle stands in stark contrast to his public persona as a protector of children. His actions reveal a profoundly troubling double standard that calls into question the sincerity of his proclaimed mission and exposes the racist motivations behind his campaigns.

Tommy. Steven. Whatever. He’s currently sans passport, wandering around Calgary using this as a fundraiser for himself and his client Exra Levant at Rebel News, who have no problem taking money Tommy gets from foreign donors who also protect pedophiles.

  1. US Think Tanks and Donors:
    • Middle East Forum (MEF): This Philadelphia-based think tank spent approximately $60,000 on Robinson’s legal fees and demonstrations in London. MEF is funded by influential right-wing donors, including $792,000 from a foundation led by Nina Rosenwald.
    • Gatestone Institute: This New York City-based think tank has published numerous articles supporting Robinson and received over $2 million in donations, including $250,000 from the Mercer Family Foundation.
    • David Horowitz Freedom Center (DHFC): This California-based think tank has published pieces defending Robinson and lobbied for him to address US politicians. DHFC received $1,638,290 from five wealthy benefactors.
  2. Individual Donors:
    • Robert Shillman: A US tech billionaire who financed a fellowship that paid Robinson a monthly salary of about £5,000 to work for Rebel Media, a right-wing Canadian media website.
  3. Other International Support:
    • Australian Liberty Alliance: This small right-wing group in Australia contributed to Robinson’s funding, though the amount was not disclosed.
    • Russian Trolls: A study revealed that many Twitter accounts linked to the Russian government actively tweeted in Robinson’s defense.

Robinson isn’t good with their money because, well, gambling.

  1. Bankruptcy:
    • Robinson filed for bankruptcy in March 2021, citing an estimated £1.6 million in costs following a libel trial. The official receiver searched for concealed assets, including those potentially put into other people’s names.
    • During a High Court hearing, Robinson claimed to have spent over £100,000 on gambling and owed HMRC an estimated £160,000. He also mentioned difficulties in maintaining bank accounts, having had accounts with significant banks closed down.
  2. Crowdfunding and Donations:
    • Robinson has raised funds through various online platforms, including Facebook donation tools, which Facebook deactivated upon discovering their misuse.
    • He has received significant Bitcoin donations, including a payment of over £5,500 on the day he was imprisoned in 2018.
    • Crowdfunding pages and his official website have facilitated donations to support his legal fees and family.

While Steven/Tommy (people only change their names when they have something to hide) awaits his court date for lying about his criminal record and intent to work and make money with Rebel News (that’s what he was arrested for), take time and get to know him. Know that he’s nothing more than a con man who continues to work willingly, take money from, and for convicted groomers, pedophiles, and at least one murderer for racially motivated reasons. He’shuman garbage. Like Ezra Levant. They are here to profit from the sexual exploitation of children, not protect them. Clearly.


[1] https://ppl-ai-file-upload.s3.amazonaws.com/web/direct-files/20079663/ad441fed-9a89-4cd1-8ff7-d515aa1b7463/paste.txt

[2] https://ppl-ai-file-upload.s3.amazonaws.com/web/direct-files/20079663/5587b6ac-3df8-4a0c-967d-f17b56b0690b/paste.txt

[3] https://theconversation.com/tommy-robinson-the-martyr-how-the-far-right-builds-its-victim-narrative-98261

[4] https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/tommy-robinson-stalking-journalist-court-b1819842.html

[5] https://politicsandinsights.org/2018/05/29/the-edl-have-paedophiles-in-their-ranks-but-tommy-robinson-evidently-doesnt-condemn-them/

[6] https://hopenothate.org.uk/2022/01/11/tommy-robinson-is-a-hypocrite-when-it-comes-to-opposing-child-sexual-exploitation/

[7] https://www.thetimes.com/article/far-right-hero-is-a-convicted-paedophile-z6pb87rr2q5

[8] https://bylinetimes.com/2024/06/01/special-investigation-the-network-of-far-right-groups-exploiting-the-survivors-of-child-sexual-exploitation/

[9] https://novaramedia.com/2018/05/30/tommy-robinson-and-his-mates-dont-really-care-about-abused-kids-or-terrorism/

Dean Blundell

Dean Blundell is a Canadian radio personality. Best known as a longtime morning host on CFNY-FM (The Edge) in Toronto, Ontario. In 2015 he was named the new morning host on sports radio station CJCL (Sportsnet 590 The Fan). Dean started his career in radio in 2001 and for nearly 20 years been entertaining the radio audience. Dean’s newest venture is the launch of his site and podcast which is gaining tremendous momentum across North America.

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