Why is a cabinet retreat an example of frivolous spending and tone deafness? Because it’s 2023

Aug 21, 2023

“It’s only hubris if I fail.” – Julius Caesar

From 2020 to 2022, most of us handled our business meetings in one way – we used Zoom.

The trend that was created, and one that will never fully go away ever again, was our collective ability to do certain jobs remotely. We now had empirical data to support the idea that if your job did not require equipment, or if you were not responsible for securing valuable data on private corporate server, you could probably do your job remotely.

So, despite the long-time tradition of the federal government of the day taking what is often an extravagant and expensive trip to discuss the jobs they already have, in 2023 many Canadians see this tradition as a colossal waste of time and, most importantly, money.

Justin Trudeau and his cabinet evidently do not see the irony.

Canada is a nation where many households currently feel squeezed economically. We have all been belt-tightening in one way or another. Our mortgage payments are increasing, the ability to purchase a home in the first place is decreasing, and economists are telling us that household debt is the quiet, sleeping giant many of us are going to dread in the coming months and years.

Moreover, the main message from the Trudeau government, is all about the economy. They have stated a main message of affordability, bank earnings, and, ironically, government spending, all while they claim to understand our pain as they eat fine food and spend untold amounts of taxpayer money.

The tone deafness is remarkable.

It is also worth mentioning that much of Canada is currently burning to the ground. But hopefully that won’t get in the way of eating some delicious P.E.I oysters.

Listen, I know there is a reflex among some Canadians who will tell you that this is just the price of doing business, and that this is always how governments operate in order to prepare for the upcoming session. But for many Canadians, this archaic tradition during a time of economic uncertainty is the literal definition of hypocrisy.

Do we want our government to design a robust plan for Canadians? Of course we do. Do we think it is necessary for these already-well-paid cabinet ministers to spend money on travel and fancy accommodations to accomplish this goal? If we are being honest, most of us probably do not.

A good exercise whenever someone challenges us to be measured in how we critique the government of the day is to imagine our reaction if a government we did not agree with was engaged in the same activity. I dare say, if Pierre Poilievre was preaching about affordability and out of control government spending, we would not be hitting him with kid gloves is his message was being broadcast from an expensive government retreat.

Hubris is often impossible to see from those who manifest it the most. If Justin Trudeau is serious about showing Canadians that he is a good example of being a fiscal steward, this retreat could have been handled from the warm and sunny confines of a Zoom meeting.

Contributing Writers

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