Bruce Hales is a lot of things to a lot of people.
To those who were born inside the Plymouth Brethren Christian Church, Hales is the undisputed consiglieri of someone named Jesus Christ. To those who are not Brethren, Hales is a cult leader.
But to anyone familiar with the scandals associated with the PBCC, Hales is a reclusive billionaire, the leader of a 55, 000 strong cult, and someone in such tight control of his image that he would never allow his voice to reach outsiders, especially without his consent.
Blackballed EXCLUSIVE: Hear Plymouth Brethren cult leader Bruce Hales as he fleeces his followers for a half billion dollars @klondikepapers @CherylL_Hope @jamesdifiore https://t.co/1U16CzArOF
— James DiFiore (@jamesdifiore) December 19, 2022
Yesterday, Hales was probably sitting in one of his mansions, squirming in his fine leather Laz-Y-Boy as we played audio clips on Blackballed of a recent meeting he conducted with all of his followers, asking them to collectively donate half a billion dollars to a newly established endowment fund.
Dubbed the Vision Foundation, the initiative was launched just over a week ago through a Zoom meeting Hales held with PBCC members from localities across the planet. During the meeting, Hales spoke directly with his followers, a rarity that can’t be overstated. Blackballed obtained the recording of this meeting through an unnamed source who is still part of the PBCC. This mole bravely recorded the Vision Foundation presentation and sent it to us so that people could hear Hales first-hand, and listen to what a grift sounds like by a real-life charlatan.
Here’s how the Vision Foundation is being proposed by Hales;
- Hales encourages his followers to give half their net worth in a rambling screed where he referenced giving to the poor despite him being the stated recipient of what he hopes will eventually be a half billion dollars
- Hales says this idea had been floating around the Brethren for over 30 years
- The amount he is seeking is less than the total profits of UBT companies in 2021
- Hales does not mention if he or his family of billionaires will be contributing a penny to the endowment fund
At one point you can actually hear the ice cubes rattling against the rock glass as he sips his expensive scotch. Because he’s one of the people!
One of the more compelling aspects to hearing Hales speak is that he is not much of a speaker at all. Unlike other cult leaders – Jim Jones and David Koresh, for example – Hales is not some riveting orator. It lends credence to the notion that in order to take this guy seriously, you have to be born inside the PBCC.
The audio, when listened in its entirety, feels more like a PowerPoint presentation than a man preaching to his flock from the pulpit, despite him referencing various parts of the bible as he solicits free money from the very people who routinely give him free money.
But there he is, with no shame whatsoever, trying to milk his victims for even more cash, all under the guise of educating cult kids. In one part of the presentation the Vision Foundation endowment fund is compared to the Harvard endowment fund, all without a hint of irony.
Blackballed will continue following this exclusive as it unfolds.