Your Uber Rating: The Social Credit Score You Didn’t Know You Had

Jun 8, 2024

At the NHL draft combine this week, potential draftees were asked about their Uber rating, which some people think is petty.

No, uh-uh.

Your UBER  rating is a window into the kind of person you are, and it’s how China dictates freedom for its citizens. It’s also a tremendous indicator of the type of person you are and drives fascists crazy even though they all have a UBER/Social Media/Credit score and have for decades. Some losers think social credit scores aren’t here yet and blame Klaus Schwab.

But if you use ride-sharing programs like UBER, you have a “score” that dictates your treatment. That little number next to the star icon in your app can make or break your ride-sharing experience. It’s like a digital ID following you, silently judging your every move. But let’s be honest: your Uber rating is just a modern-day social credit scorekeeper. And guess what? It’s not the only one out there. Welcome to the world of digital trackers and social credit score apps that turn us all into walking, talking ratings.

The Uber Rating System: Your Social Credit Score Dictates How Uber Treats You

For those who aren’t familiar with Uber’s rating system, it is a two-way street. After each trip, riders and drivers rate each other on a scale of one to five stars. Your rating is an average of the last 500 ratings you’ve received, and it’s anonymous, so you won’t know who gave you that dreaded one-star review. But don’t be fooled by the anonymity; a low rating can deactivate you from the platform if you’re a driver or make it harder to get a ride if you’re a rider. It’s like a Black Mirror episode but with more traffic and fewer dystopian landscapes.

Other Social Credit Score Apps and Services

But Uber isn’t the only app keeping tabs on you. Here are s me other examples of social credit scorekeepers and digital trackers that paranoid people (and maybe you) are using:

1. China’s Social Credit System: This is the granddaddy of all social credit systems. Various cities in China have apps that award points for good behavior and deduct points for bad behavior. For example, the My Nanjing app can give you perks like faster passport processing or discounts on public transportation if you have a high score. Conversely, a minor traffic violation could lower your score significantly.

2. Imagine your employer using an app that assigns you a credit score based on your employment history and performance. That’s probably what does. Your score depends on your manager’s perspective and how you interact with the app. It’s like a Yelp review for your work life, but you can’t opt-out.

3. WeChat’s Mini Programs: WeChat is more than just a messaging app in China. It has microprograms that track everything from spending habits to social interactions. Some programs even allow users to search for “deadbeats” who haven’t paid their debts, effectively shaming them into compliance.

4. TripAdvisor and These platforms allow customers to review and rate their experiences, but did you know that your behavior as a guest can also be rated? Poor reviews from hosts can make booking future stays harder, turning your vacation plans into a high-stakes game of social credit.

The Paranoia is Real

So, the next time you’re tempted to leave a mess in your Uber or show up late for a ride, remember that your rating is more than just a number. A digital  D can affect your access to services and social standing. And while it might seem like a minor inconvenience, it’s part of a more significant trend of apps and services turning our lives into ratings and reviews.

We’re all just trying to keep our stars high and our social credit scores intact. So buckle up, be polite, and for the love of all things digital, don’t slam the car door. Your future rides depend on it.

But Uber is just the tip of the iceberg. There’s a whole world of apps and services that secretly monitor our behavior and assign our scores. TripAdvisor and, for example, allow customers to review and rate us based on our interactions. Social media influencers are ranked based on follower counts and online “influence.”

And let’s not forget about those pesky “reciprocation scoring systems” like Uber’s dual-rating system. You know, where not only do you rate the service provider, but they also get to rate you back? Talk about a paranoia-inducing scenario for those of us who value our privacy.

Remember, the next time you’re tempted to give your Uber driver a low rating, they’re rating you, too. And who knows what other apps and services secretly keep tabs on your every move, turning you into a walking social credit score? Ienoughenou to make even the most level-headed person a little paranoid about their digital footprint.

Pro Tip: The lower your rating, the harder it will be to get a 3 am pickup and deliver food in under 3 hours. Hate UBERS Social credit shit all you like, it’s how the world works, and it’s been here for fucking decades.



Dean Blundell

Dean Blundell is a Canadian radio personality. Best known as a longtime morning host on CFNY-FM (The Edge) in Toronto, Ontario. In 2015 he was named the new morning host on sports radio station CJCL (Sportsnet 590 The Fan). Dean started his career in radio in 2001 and for nearly 20 years been entertaining the radio audience. Dean’s newest venture is the launch of his site and podcast which is gaining tremendous momentum across North America.

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