Around The Horn: USA vs Canada | Cancel Culture | The Vacation Clap

On this episode of Around The Horn on Crier Media, Ray Rauth, Ryan Lindley, and Producer Mike discuss the differences between the United States and Canada. Ryan told a story that proved Toronto Maple Leafs fans aren’t the worst. Mike couldn’t get pass the second sentence of the Canadian National Anthem. Ray witnessed two of his friends having to deal with racism. Jordan Peterson has a doctorate proving credentials and acronyms don’t mean anything. Cancel culture doesn’t promote positive change and takes the focus off the actual social issue. Dominican strip clubs are nothing like Canadian establishments. Ryan gives his best advice when stating in the Dominican Republic. | Don’t miss the Crier Media Food Truck Takeover.
USA vs Canada | Cancel Culture | The Vacation Clap | @ryanlindley @dpn_ray @Producer_MikeN https://t.co/zjbUJtSqj8
— Crier Media (@thecriermedia) March 15, 2023