Do You Know Jo? Conservative Media’s Crisis Actor? I Think You Do!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from all of us at The True North Eager Beaver to all of you and yours.
Well, hello, Kits!
If you listen to our podcasts, you’ll know that one of the things we enjoy doing is calling out buffalo fecal matter. All while providing a little bit of media and political literacy, always facts first, with an assist from logic and reasoning that does engage in sophistry (a fancy word that essentially means the use of fallacious arguments, especially with the intention of deceiving).
You’ll probably recognize this face if you’ve been following the antics of the Chaos Party of Canada-sponsored TruckNutz contingent.
She is known on Twitter as Jo Walsh. Her legal name, according to court documents, is Jo-Anne Cyr-Walsh.
Within the alternative reality segment of society in which TruckNutz are free-thinking patriots fighting for their and our — as they keep assuring us — cough freedom cough, she’s a big star. She’s appeared at live events, and coordinated social media campaigns in a decent number of social media videos, often with the help of her “friend” Rowan.
Here she is, with Rowan enjoying some way off-Broadway Juan / Evita cosplay (unfortunately, no speech from the balcony followed by a rousing chorus of Don’t Cry For Me Argentina, but the clapping is very enthusiastic; she thinks Rowan is just brilliant and spend a lot of time “fluffing” him, as you can see below).
Rowan and Jo Walsh issue direct challenge to Trudeau: Let ArriveCAN expire Sept 30th or Canadians on Sat Oct 1st at noon will defy ArriveCAN at Rainbow Bridge, Niagara Falls. Invite Canadians to join them. #TrudeauMustGo #ArriveCANChallenge pic.twitter.com/q000P1iH9o
— Rowan Thee Stallion 🏇 (@canmericanized) September 17, 2022
You're the best Rowan so proud to be your friend. 💗💗❤️💓 https://t.co/7fnqsgymYV
— @JoWalsh (@JoWalsh03748900) July 23, 2022
Absolutely brilliant 👍👍👍 https://t.co/eUCMI2X1ZP
— @JoWalsh (@JoWalsh03748900) September 6, 2022
One of the roles in which Jo has been typecast is that of a harmless, kindly, easily confused grandmother.
Here she is, in one of the coordinated social media campaigns. If you type “According to Trudeau, I’m an extremist that needs to be dealt with” in your Twitter search bar, you’ll find hundreds of similar tweets. Laced liberally with motherhood and apple pie. Awww, gosh darn, golly gee folks, she’s just a retired, sweet, harmless, little, old lady, who likes to paint and dreams of a better future for her grandkids, and that is the reason why prime minister Justin Trudeau considers her an “extremist.” Her tyrant just so persecutes her.
Aaaaand pose…
Make love to the camera.
I'm a 71 year old Canadian. I'm retired, love to paint, former Liberal. I'm fighting mandates and ArriveCAN because I want a better future for my grandkids. According to Trudeau I'm an extremist that needs to be dealt with. #TrudeauMustGo pic.twitter.com/gZM3hveml0
— @JoWalsh (@JoWalsh03748900) September 16, 2022
And here’s Grandma, getting ready for Hallowe’en… Who wouldn’t love her?
I'm ready for tricks and treats 🎃 pic.twitter.com/jMXo8dcQmM
— @JoWalsh (@JoWalsh03748900) October 24, 2022
And here’s Grandma again, ready for her close-up (I assume here that Rowan is Mr. DeMille), slightly chaotic, confused, sweet-voiced, delivering her lines with all the faux-earnestness she picked up from the same acting school to which went those testimonial-actors who appeared those infamously BAD Canadian Legal Will Kit, “It’s Patrick. He took out life insurance”, or Premier Bathtubs Canada commercials.
EXCLUSIVE: Fully vaxed senior 🇨🇦 citizen w/paper vax proof gets 14 day quarantine as punishment for not using the Justin Trudeau ArriveCAN app after crossing into New York by foot for a few hours.
Rules for the sake of rules, overreach & bureaucracy run amuck. #BorderReports pic.twitter.com/Li6PwooEFT
— Rowan Thee Stallion 🏇 (@canmericanized) July 21, 2022
And here’s one of Grandma Jo being served with a ticket. She and her film director/acting coach sure don’t seem all that happy about it…
Exclusive: Jo Walsh served w/$6,250 ticket from Public Health as PHAC agent, Lisa Colbourne violates Quarantine Act 5(4)
“You do realize what’s on our passports right? That this is bullshit.”
Me: “We asked you for a Certificate of Designation” as Lisa hurriedly flees the scene. pic.twitter.com/52mYSewzRs
— Rowan Thee Stallion 🏇 (@canmericanized) August 15, 2022
Rebel Without a Clue
Until you see her posing click again with friends, and the ticket, and she’s all smiles… because what’s a $6,000+ ticket when you’ve got in your corner the suckers and fools hooked on Rebel — and other such self-professed cough independent cough media — willing to part with their money to cover the tab… allegedly. I assume here, Kits, that the production house that keeps casting her for all these videos, photos, and public events compensates her for them or, at the very least, covers the costs of her “incidentals.”
My new friend NancyS and I got a pair of matching fines today for $6,255 all for not downloading the ArriveCan app. What a bargain hey. pic.twitter.com/a1anukMxUm
— @JoWalsh (@JoWalsh03748900) August 14, 2022
She seems just devastated by having to pay this fine. The pathos (another fancy word for a quality that evokes pity or sadness) coming from this pose would make the manliest lumberjack cry.
[insert eyeroll here]
Well, in October, Grandma Jo posted this gem to her Twitter feed, claiming that, in the allegedly tyrannical nation that is Canada, she is facing 30 days in jail for doing nothing other than posing for this picture in which she’s smiling and flashing a peace sign during the Convoy Candice-approved, allegedly all peace and love, TruckNutzapalooza-Hot Tub / Bouncy Castle Winter Social that was the recent subject of a Public Order Emergency Commission.
I was arrested in Ottawa for taking this picture I am now facing 30 days in jail for it. pic.twitter.com/fkBYDFvmy2
— @JoWalsh (@JoWalsh03748900) October 8, 2022
If It Looks Like a Truck, and It Honks Like a Truck…
Now, I’m not one to typically doubt kindly Grandmas, but the whiff of buffalo fecal matter coming from this one stunk to high heaven. So much so, that it prompted my “Gurl, please” reflex: “I very much doubt that you were arrested and facing 30 days in jail for taking this picture. What did you do before this picture was taken? History did not start the moment this picture was snapped.”
Thanks to The Court Cat’s (@ResistanceCats on Twitter) Substack of November 30th, I discovered that Grandma Jo was rather busy that weekend. She is facing not one, not two, not three, but four counts: Disobeying a court order “by failing to leave the area of the freedom convoy demonstration”; willfully obstructing a peace officer in the execution of his duty; willfully obstructing interrupting, or interfering with the lawful use, enjoyment, or operation of the property, and; deliberately interfering with the residents of downtown Ottawa’s legal use and enjoyment of property, contrary to Section 430 (1) (d) of the Criminal Code of Canada.
The Thing about all these pictures is, they exist!
According to the court filings, she appears to have done much more than pose for a picture, and it seems to have involved more flashing of a one-finger salute than the peace sign. Buffalo fecal matter is called. Buffalo fecal matter was revealed. But turns out, after more research, that Grandma Jo is not just some random senior. She’s got, friends. Here she is with Emily Brown, who was the unsuccessful Chaos Party of Canada candidate in the electoral district of Burlington, held by the current minister of Families, Children, and Social Development Karina Gould.
Today we are supporting @emilybrown1960 candidate for #Burlington CPC.
Beautiful women from the GTA.
I finally meet in person my Venezuelan friend @Alessacanada pic.twitter.com/EiOUFXEaSy— @JoWalsh (@JoWalsh03748900) November 10, 2022
And — well, my oh, my — here she is with, at her side, none other than Ms. Stock Photo 2022 (and co-deputy leader of the PeePee, See Pee See) Melissa Lantsman who, you might remember, despite being both Jewish and a lesbian — yes, at the same time — aided and abetted a cause championed by neo-Nazis, Confederates, Diagolon, and so on, and then took offense of behalf of her faith, but not her sexual orientation — which was surprising, because I don’t recall those who forced homosexuals to wear pink triangles inviting them over for a tasteful brunch of beer and bratwurst — for being called out on her provision of aid and comfort.
Melissa and I are coming after your ArriveCan App, Omar.😉 pic.twitter.com/zyqJC4TpKQ
— @JoWalsh (@JoWalsh03748900) September 11, 2022
Grandma Jo sure was rather quickly plucked right out of obscurity and gained some friends in relatively low — errrr, I mean, high — places along the way now, didn’t she?
Things that make you go: “Hmmmmm…”.
Also, note the date of the post.
Grandma Jo and Stock Photo Mel were doing this to mark September 11th this year.
Also, note her singling out the brown man with the Muslimmy sounding name… who happens to be the minister of Transport… on September 11th…
[insert unimpressed face here]
So, that’s Grandma Jo.
But before we go, here’s one last one, showing a potentially whole other side of the allegedly hapless and sweet senior.
Your ArriveCan App violates basic Canadian Human Rights.
Do you know what happens to naughty governments? 🤨 pic.twitter.com/wBRfwup8D9— @JoWalsh (@JoWalsh03748900) September 13, 2022
Am I the only one getting Dame Dominatrix vibes from this one, Kits?
I know what happens to “naughty boys”…
[insert evil grin here]
I’ve been a “naughty boy”… on purpose… more than once… for that very reason…
Until we next see each other, be kind to and gentle with yourself,
Your Eager Beaver
The True North Eager Beaver is also a podcast. We have a live morning show every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 7 a.m. (Eastern) that you can find on our YouTube channel or live-streamed on our Twitter feed.
Episode 24 of The Not Quite Daily Beaver: The Dan-Yell Is Sovereign Act
On today’s episode, we talk about Danielle Smith already having to clarify and reverse herself on the disastrous Alberta Sovereignty within a United Canada Act; as the George Senate run-off vote is upon us, we have a bit of international news from the United States, and we touch briefly on the difficulty some regions are having keeping hospitals functioning normally.
PS: If you like what we do and wish to encourage us to do more, our tip jar can be found here, or you can get your Eager Beaver merch here
Douglas Connors
The Eager Beaver (pronouns He / Him / Hey Mr. Beaver, eh?, aka Douglas Connors) is the founder, creator, and writer of The True North Eager Beaver blog page on Facebook. After 10 years of writing, he ventured into a podcast version of the blog in late April 2021. A political communications strategist by training (and political junkie by passion), Douglas seeks to promote both media and political literacy, while making politics accessible to everyone. In addition to blogging and podcasting, Douglas has dabbled in translation and event planning, is an accomplished entertainer having appeared in plays (My Three Angels; Cranz & Bernardo; And Then There Were None), musicals (Matilda, Naked Boys Singing, Chicago, Adventures of Priscilla Queen of the Desert), and voice work (The Sound Castle; The Revolution has Failed; The Makers and Shakers Society). He is set to direct his first play, R.E.D., in the summer of 2022. Finally, he's an avid curler, a diehard tennis freak, an amateur cook who thinks love is the most important ingredient and that life is too short to cook without bacon, cream, butter, booze, or bold spices, and very much in love with his Beaver Sweetie of nearly 10 years.