Douglas Connors

Blogger | Host of True Eager | Director Of Politics

Douglas Connors is one half of the True North Eager Beaver Podcast here at Crier Media. With a flair for politics, Douglas is a political communications strategist by training (and a political junkie by passion). He seeks to promote both media and political literacy while making politics accessible to everyone.

The Eager Beaver (pronouns He / Him / Hey Mr. Beaver, eh? aka. Douglas Connors) is the founder, creator, and writer of The True North Eager Beaver blog.

After 10 years of writing, he ventured into a podcast version of the blog in late April 2021, which made its debut on this network in early 2022.

A political communications strategist by training (and political junkie by passion), Douglas seeks to promote both media and political literacy, while making politics accessible to everyone.

He is also an accomplished entertainer, having appeared in plays, musicals, voice work, and most recently as a chorister. He is an avid curler, and tennis freak, and thinks that life is too short to cook without bacon, cream, butter, booze, or bold spices; and is very much in love with his Beaver Sweetie of 10 years.

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