It Doesn’t Matter Who The Next PM of Canada Is. Like, At All.

May 2, 2024

Look. Everyone is tired of political crisis theater, and I feel it’s incumbent upon me to share this little tidbit with some of you melting down over who gets to govern Canada.

A drama teacher or a dude who’s never had a real job.

MMM. Scary. If you’re a colossal pussy whose happiness relies on who occupies the PMO’s office and has no agency or any common sense.

Yesterday, I went to buy my son some baseball gear. Less than seven seconds after arriving at the store, I asked the owner, “How are you today?” He replied, “I’ll be better off when Trudeau is out of the office.”


Generally, I skate past these statements but decided to have some fun.

“How much better will your life get when Trudeau leaves, and why?”  I thought that was a friendly way to approach his political statement about how terrible his life must be because of who the PM is.

“He just sucks,” he said.

“And how is him “sucking” ruining your life?”

“It just does.”


Here’s the thing. When it comes to your happiness, It doesn’t fucking matter who the PM, MP, or Mayor is in your country, province, or city, but somehow they’ve convinced you that it does.

Other than the non-partisan cavalcade of theft by government officials at all levels of government, it doesn’t fucking matter who gets to be PM when it comes to putting food on your table. It doesn’t matter to your kids who the PM is, either. What matters is what you do, not how they rule.

Liberals convince most liberals that Pierre Poilievre is a Satanic Fascist who will destroy the Charter of Rights and Freedoms while jailing gays and forcing trans people into conversion therapy. They keep calling him a Nazi who plans on turning Canada into the Fourth Reich.

Most Conservatives are telling Conservatives Justin Trudeau is an evil commie hoping to turn Canada into China where people will own nothing and like it while forcing your kids into a life of gayness.

It’s all bullshit fear porn theater and doesn’t change a fucking thing when it comes to you doing what matters for you and your family. None of those projections of either asshole is accurate. Still, we see thousands of Canadians handing over their shame, reputations, and, in some cases, their families, lives, and houses, fighting to ensure their “guy” is the guy. Like it’s going to make their lives better? Will it make their kid’s lives better? Will the PM help you deal with your psychological issues? Will he get you a job? Will he give you a tax break or help you pay for groceries?

Will Canada’s next PM help you spruce up your resume or transition into a new career?

Will Justin Trudeau’s winning again suddenly make millions of people sad to the point of crying or angry enough to leave this country? Can those people even quantify it?

Will PM PeePee make extreme lefties or LGBTQ folks leave Canada because he hates inclusivity, science, and kindness? Does that prevent you from working hard, spending quality time with your family, or learning and growing daily?

If you’re life sucks, it’s because you suck or you keep doing things that suck.

Politicians have little to nothing to do with your quality of life. They want you and I to think it does.

Unless, of course, that guy is a drunk prick who works for a foreign government. That’s what NatSec background checks are for.

And even then, the other levels of government, CSIS, etc, take care of that shit. As powerful as Canada’s PMO is, our institutions and parliamentary system stand between guys like PeePee and you and me, so any threat is pretty feckless.

None of that stuff affects your job on a daily basis, so stop giving them your emotional and mental agency. Go to work. Love your family. Live your life. Take the kids to Great Wolf Lodge for some poop water and Legionnaires disease. Get your real estate license. Learn how to BBQ or take up Yoga.

There are outliers. People on ODSP, welfare, and grants are affected by ideological differences, but it doesn’t matter who your PM is. Your kids matter. Your ability to think independently and critically matters. Your happiness and effort to control what you can control matters. Going to work and investing in your well-being and mental and emotional health matters. Being the best version of yourself for you and the people you love matters. The rest is bullshit. You’re just a mark.

Your tweets never matter. When a politician lies, foments rage, or gaslights you and your community, that doesn’t matter either. What matters is controlling what you can control. The only way you can influence politics is to vote. The rest is a mirage.


Your behavior.

Your intention.

Your effort.

Not carbon taxes. Not pronouns. Not your neighbors. Not the PM. What you do for yourself and your family in a democratic society matters, and that’s largely unaffected by who the fucking PM is. Unless you’re an emotional and mental midget. Then you’ll give your life away like Deana Sherif or Chris Sky or the assholes protesting everything from vaccines to holy wars on the other side of the world.

Real Canadians are too busy getting the fuck on with life while the biggest simps in the country keep carrying the water of their favorite nerd-ass politician who doesn’t give a fuck about you.

Try to remember that.





Dean Blundell

Dean Blundell is a Canadian radio personality. Best known as a longtime morning host on CFNY-FM (The Edge) in Toronto, Ontario. In 2015 he was named the new morning host on sports radio station CJCL (Sportsnet 590 The Fan). Dean started his career in radio in 2001 and for nearly 20 years been entertaining the radio audience. Dean’s newest venture is the launch of his site and podcast which is gaining tremendous momentum across North America.

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