Canada’s “Crypto King” Kidnapped And Tortured For Three Days?

A self-proclaimed “crypto king” was allegedly kidnapped, reportedly enduring days of torture and assault from attackers demanding a multi-million-dollar ransom,.
Aiden Pleterski, 23, of Ontario, Canada, was “taken” from Toronto in December and held hostage by kidnappers demanding at least $3 million, his father and associates said, CTV News Toronto reported.
Details of the abduction were revealed in court papers related to a bankruptcy proceeding involving millions of dollars Pleterski allegedly spent living lavishly instead of investing.
“They basically held him for approximately three days, drove him around different, various parts of southern Ontario, beat him, tortured him, allowed him to make specific phone calls to specific people only. I was not one of those people that he was allowed to contact,” his father, who was not identified, said in December.
Pleterski is embroiled in a bankruptcy controversy in which he allegedly was asked to invest over $40 million – and instead spent nearly $16 million on lavish vacations, expensive cars and private planes, according to CTV News.
Bankrupty trustee Rob Stelzer told CTV Pleterski “ran a business in which he told people he would invest their money and that’s not what happened.”
“He really didn’t do what he said he was going to do,” Stelzer added.
In early December, Stelzer told CTV he was informed by Toronto police that Pleterski had been kidnapped, adding: “I mean, obviously, he owes a lot of people a lot of money,”
According to the report, Pleterski actually invested under 2% of the funds.
He stole 40 million. If I’m him, I’m grateful for the kidnapping and torture – thankful I’m not dead.
I’m sure these pictures didn’t help settle down the resentment his former clients felt after he spent their life savings/inheritance on Lambos, vacations, and $5000 belts.
I don’t believe Pletarski was kidnapped. I think he kidnapped himself to generate empathy, and his parents don’t seem to give a shit about him being beaten for three days, so I’m probably onto something here.
The Pickering Pick Pocket Pletarski still has to come up with $40 million or explain where it all went.
I doubt this picture will help:
If Pletarski got kidnapped and slapped around a bit, I’d be canvassing his former client list. All his clients have probably considered it; if it happened, none are upset about it.
I’d probably whoop his ass too. I don’t have the attention span to do it over three days, but I get it.
Dean Blundell
Dean Blundell is a Canadian radio personality. Best known as a longtime morning host on CFNY-FM (The Edge) in Toronto, Ontario. In 2015 he was named the new morning host on sports radio station CJCL (Sportsnet 590 The Fan). Dean started his career in radio in 2001 and for nearly 20 years been entertaining the radio audience. Dean’s newest venture is the launch of his site and podcast which is gaining tremendous momentum across North America.