This Video Of Maybe 30 People Celebrating With Lord Stanley In Florida Proves No Ones Care About The Panthers Winning The Cup

Jun 26, 2024

Yikes. Not the biggest crowd i’ve ever seen for Lord Stanley.

It is an embarrassment if you ask me, if Lord Stanley was on in Edmonton there is no way you would be able to get close to that cup, let alone with in 5kms of it.

There is maybe 50 people outside of Eblo Room in Sunrise. Not one gives a shit. The proof is in the pudding folks. Check out these videos of insane crowds with the cup.

Someone please call the riot squad.

This isn’t even hyperbole, there is no one around him. NO ONE.

Edmonton fans are furious. There is always next year for a Canadian team to win the cup and show them what a real celebration looks like.

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