We Should All Strive To Be Like George Springer

Mar 3, 2023

They say we shouldn’t meet our heroes, but I hope I meet George Springer 

The MLB Network released a video today that featured reporter Jesse Sanchez. Jesse’s son has a medical condition that causes him to stutter when he speaks. The nine-minute video captures how the Toronto Blue Jays’ outfielder George Springer who copes with a similar condition helped his son cope while Springer was still playing the Houston Astros.

I am not talented enough to properly summarize the story. I can only recommend you watch the video when you have the time.

We Should All Strive To Be Good People 

As human beings, we all understand the importance of being kind and helping others when we are able. Whether it be a small gesture, like helping someone carry their groceries, or volunteering our time and resources to a worthy cause, we recognize that we have the power to improve lives and make the world a better place. But why is it so important for us to be good people and help others in need?

The first, and perhaps most obvious, answer to this question is because people who are good to others are more likely to enjoy life than those who are not. People who engage in acts of kindness and generosity on a regular basis tend to be rewarded with positive feelings and rewards, while those who are selfish and unkind usually find themselves in an emotionally troubled state. Studies have also shown that people who are good and generous to others tend to live longer and enjoy better physical and mental health. So, not only does striving to be a good person make you personally happier, but it also positively impacts your overall well-being.

Additionally, being a good person and helping those in need also has a positive influence on the community. People who are kind and generous have a ripple effect that benefits not only themselves but their families, friends and even people they have never met. When somebody sees an act of kindness, it encourages them to do the same for someone else, which in turn has a positive effect on those around them. Stated simply, by being a good person and helping others, we can make the world a better place for everyone.

Ultimately, striving to be a good person and helping those in need is something that each of us should strive to incorporate into our lives. Not only does it make us feel better personally, but it also has beneficial effects on our community as a whole. So, let’s make kindness and generosity part of our daily lives and strive to be a positive influence that can make the world a better place.

George Springer Isn’t The Hero Toronto Deserved, But The Hero We Needed

As a Toronto Blue Jay fan I’m proud George is one of us. Not only for his grit, leadership, and work ethic on the field. Remember that professional athletes are human. George Springer represents our city every time he puts on his uniform and takes the field. Knowing that when Springer goes into the clubhouse and takes the uniform off, he’s a good person and the perfect representation for Toronto. 


Contributing Writers

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