WATCH: Pierre Poilievre gets called out for being a “phony” by Deputy Prime Minister Freeland

Jason Pugh May 21, 2024

During today’s Question Period, the leader of His Majesty’s Loyal Opposition, Pierre “Jeffery” Poilievre, repeatedly called Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Chrystia Freeland “incompetent.”

It seems as though Poilievre was grouchy after hearing the good news:

Canada’s inflation cools to three-year low boosting June rate cut bets

OTTAWA, May 21 (Reuters) – Canada’s annual inflation rate slowed to a three-year low of 2.7% in April and core measures continued to ease, data showed on Tuesday, prompting money markets to see an increased chance of an interest rate cut in June.


Before I go on, I just want to point out how happy/excited Conservative Member of Parliament Michael Cooper was over his leader calling the Deputy PM names:

He had to stand to applaud he was so excited!

(It’s, ah, nice to see him happy…I guess?)

Which all led up to this exchange:

There were some great reactions to my tweet.

Yes, because outright calling Pierre Poilievre a liar would be unparliamentary! (Even though Freeland did withdraw her remark, as requested by Speaker Fergus.)

Good question.

I get Dianne’s point. However, it’s good to show bullies like Poilievre that he can be smacked down, and he needs to be once in a while.

Someone has to put PP in his place.

After the Bloc and NDP leaders asked their questions, the next CPC MP who rose to ask a Q was Minivan Andy, with PP looking rather sheepish in the background.

It looks like PP’s fee-fees were hurt.

Womp womp.


Jason Pugh

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