Aug 17 - 2021

#002 Andrew Wilkinson: Investing vs. Operating, De-risking Leverage, and The Best Part About Business

About the Episode

Andrew Wilkinson is the co-founder of Tiny, a venture capital firm that has helped to build over 25 profitable internet businesses over the last 15 years. He got his start founding MetaLab, one of the world’s top design agencies. He has gone from working out of his apartment a little over a decade ago, to today overseeing a group of companies with over 300 employees and tens of millions in revenue.


Artwork and illustrations by Jack Butcher of @VisualizeValue


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Important quotes from Naval on building wealth and the difference between wealth and money:


How to get rich without getting lucky. – Naval Ravikant


Making money is not a thing you do—it’s a skill you learn. – Naval Ravikant


I came up with the principles in my tweetstorm (below) for myself when I was really young, around thirteen or fourteen. I’ve been carrying them in my head for thirty years, and I’ve been living them. Over time (sadly or fortunately), the thing I got really good at was looking at businesses and figuring out the point of maximum leverage to actually create wealth and capture some of that created wealth. – Naval Ravikant


Seek wealth, not money or status. – Naval Ravikant


 Wealth is having assets that earn while you sleep. – Naval Ravikant


 Money is how we transfer time and wealth. – Naval Ravikant


Ignore people playing status games. They gain status by attacking people playing wealth creation games. 


You’re not going to get rich renting out your time. You must own equity—a piece of a business—to gain your financial freedom. – Naval Ravikant


The most important skill for getting rich is becoming a perpetual learner. You have to know how to learn anything you want to learn. The old model of making money is going to school for four years, getting your degree, and working as a professional for thirty years. But things change fast now. Now, you have to come up to speed on a new profession within nine months, and it’s obsolete four years later. But within those three productive years, you can get very wealthy. – Naval Ravikant

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